I have a older mathews sbxt and would like to stay away from a back bar if I get lucky and it balances out.Theres the lower quiver hole and wondering if any of you add weight to the left side there vs a back bar.Similar to this.
I'd recommend looking into a Beestinger Counterslide 15" Dovetail. Best of all worlds IMHO - you can move it forward/back and add weight front/back to get things just right.
I’ll look into that.
My tac setup last year was a 15 inch front and 8 inch back,I think I had 2 oz on the front and 6 on the back.
Felt good but I just didn’t like the back bar,I prefer my tac setup to be as close to my hunting setup.Just trying to slim it down.
I do love the front bar cause I can use it as a brace to hold bow on the ground.