Shoulder Mount Dimensions


Nov 28, 2015
I got a very nice velvet bou in AK and am debating on what I want to do with it. I have arrangements to have the velvet preserved, but am debating between just displaying the antlers on the skull plate versus a shoulder mount. My biggest hang up is the size of a mount and how it would fit in my den. I have high cathedral ceilings, but the room itself isn't large and is pretty full of other stuff.
If you have a shoulder mount could you please give me an estimate of the dimensions? I'd be most interested in a measurement from the bottom of the brisket to the top of the rack. Also the distance from the wall to the tip of the nose. I would likely do an semi upright 1/4 turn. Pic below for rough size estimate. The antlers are being shipped from AK, so I don't have them in hand yet and didn't think to measure ahead of time.