Sawtooth Zone (Unit 33)


Oct 10, 2019
Pittsburgh, PA
My partner and I are pretty sure this is going to be our huckleberry as far as units go. I would be very interested and thankful if anyone would be willing to talk about their experiences in this area, as well as any do's or don'ts.

I have a very specific area in mind and have discussed the area with one of the local biologists, but wanted to throw it out there and see if any of you Sliders have had any success in the area.

We are planning on hunting 5/27-5/31, essentially a 3.5 day hunt. We are going to hike in a bit, nothing crazy, and set up a basecamp. This will be our first western bear hunt, prior we have only hunted bear in PA through drives. So spot and stalk in some beautiful country will be nice change of pace.

I don't want to spot bust, so if you are knowledgeable and willing to discuss off the main thread, feel free to shoot me a DM and I can get a little more specific.
The time has come and we fly out to Boise 6:30am tomorrow. If anyone has been around this unit and back I would be appreciative of any kind of information on the current conditions. Looks like the weather is clear with lows in the low 40's and highs n the mid 70's. Feel like i'm overpacking, but this is my first time hunting out of a pack/tent for multiple days.
The time has come and we fly out to Boise 6:30am tomorrow. If anyone has been around this unit and back I would be appreciative of any kind of information on the current conditions. Looks like the weather is clear with lows in the low 40's and highs n the mid 70's. Feel like i'm overpacking, but this is my first time hunting out of a pack/tent for multiple days.
Lot's of big, wet storms have been rolling through. They haven't hit everywhere, but where they have hit, it's been heavy. If you are in the Pioneer burn scar, keep an eye open for mud slides and falling trees. Morels are out, so that's a plus. Best of luck!