The bow bolt systems are slick. Toelke and Hurst also use them. I like them because you cant really tell that is is a two piece bow until you twist. The socket and sleeve system can have issues when the bow is unstrung if the socket isnt tight enough.
Roberston has them down to a science so you I doubt you will have any problem with it.
I have had three Robertsons (still have the longbow) and two Schafer long bows (still have both of them) with the old Robertson connection system, they have all worked fine without any issues.
The bow bolt Dick uses now, in my opinion, is much better, it is what I use when making takedown glass bows. I have several good friends and know many others who have a Wolfer, Coy, or other Robertson with the bow bolt, never heard any complaints about them.
Dick has been building quality for 45+ years, he builds as good of a bow as there is out there, and better than most.
I like Dick and his son but I'm not sure QC is what it once was. I had a three piece takedown limb break at the bolt hole with no actual hunting use and I sent it back in expecting a new limb. They just epoxied it with JB weld and sent it back to me. I since bought a Stalker because I don't have a lot of faith in that limb or the other one holding up on a hunt.