
Be careful. You're using "I feel" and awful lot in your reasons why you want to spread the word...

That doesn't mean it's not legitimate. His first statement is that the hunt was a fraud compared to the sales pitch and what he paid for. If that's the case, we'd all feel like we got taken for a ride.

OP, probably not a whole lot you can do other than share the story of your experience so other people looking for info on the outfitter might find it.
Unfortunately, not much. Perhaps file a report with the state outfitter board (if there is one). Otherwise, chock it up as a learning lesson and move on. Learn to hunt DIY, or when not possible or preferred, book only with outfitters that are directly referred to you by close personal friends/family you can trust. Don’t go by internet reviews (which can be easily fabricated) or booking agents, or booths any shows, etc.
Bummer about your hunt, Have you talked to the outfitter about your experience, what did he say? Did you check references before booking?
There's an outfitter that I recommend in my area, out of 10 people I've steered his way all but one said the hunt was great, the one person said it was the worst hunt ever, people are human and balls sometimes get dropped, communication with the outfitter is important when things go south.
Already an experienced DIY hunter I did this hunt to experience something different with my almost 70 yo father who is not a DIY western hunter, doesnt play points, lives in Texas where I am from.

Your damn right I feel shitty and want the world to know that what I was sold was not what was delivered.

Paid close to 10k to hunt a "300k" acre ranch on MLD (Texas thing...rut hunting) ranch targeting mature 160-170 class mule deer. Booked hunt 2 years ago. Laid out explicity we were experienced public land hunters and wanted to see a lot of deer. We saw probably 1/4 of the deer expected, very few mature bucks and the quality was absolutely not there. It became clear that the ranchers and outfitters knew things had changed signifigantly since we booked, but they decided to go on with the hunt anyways.
Don't believe that to be the case but thank you for sharing your opinion.
I say that because you expressed how you "laid out explicitly" your wants. Those came from you, not the outfitter otherwise they would have been in the contract. I don't believe that 4x the deer seen and a certain inches "class" was in your contract, otherwise you would have mentioned that or replied to the people here asking about the contract.

Hard and fast expectations are within the agreement and contract you signed. Nothing more nothing less.
Already an experienced DIY hunter I did this hunt to experience something different with my almost 70 yo father who is not a DIY western hunter, doesnt play points, lives in Texas where I am from.

Your damn right I feel shitty and want the world to know that what I was sold was not what was delivered.

Paid close to 10k to hunt a "300k" acre ranch on MLD (Texas thing...rut hunting) ranch targeting mature 160-170 class mule deer. Booked hunt 2 years ago. Laid out explicity we were experienced public land hunters and wanted to see a lot of deer. We saw probably 1/4 of the deer expected, very few mature bucks and the quality was absolutely not there. It became clear that the ranchers and outfitters knew things had changed signifigantly since we booked, but they decided to go on with the hunt anyways.
Yeah you have nothing on this one. Unless there is an explicit guarantee of a specific size and recourse or action " come back for another hunt"..."get discount on second hunt" if that guarantee is not met, unfortunately, it is what it is.