Hey guys, I'd like some insight for those of you who hunt in grizzly country. My dad and I went on our first elk hunt this last fall, a DIY, OTC archery hunt. To make a long story short the hunt was truly amazing! On the second to the last day I called a nice 6x6 to within 15 yds of my old man and he made a great shot, probably the most exciting and gratifying hunt I've been on even though I didn't even loose an arrow. Now to the reason for this post..loosing sleep while camping in grizzly country. During our hunt we were both armed with bear spray and I definitely felt safe with it as long as it was light out. What did spook me though was the thought of a sow grizzly wandering into our camp at night or wandering down wind of us while asleep then come charging into our camp thinking that she's defending her cubs. I don't really know anything about grizzlies other than the basic stuff that I've read so if some of you guys could fill me in with some real life experience and suggestions it would be much appreciated! I'd sure sleep easier in the back country this fall hopefully knowing that a bear is probably not going to try and jump on my tent while I'm in it.