Questions for those in the medical field or police or fire. Selling 1st responder equip wth a friend.


Super Southern Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2012
Behind you
I am helping a friend buy and sell first responder equipment. He acquires surplus equipment and then sells on Ebay (mostly) I have some time so I am helping him with acquisition and delivery of this equipment. It would be nice to have additional funds to help with important expenses such as new hunting cloths, firearms and the alike. :)

He gets some cool stuff like the military stretchers with the wheeled transport deployment system. I am always thinking of ways I can keep one or two items and use them for my purposes. I believe I could make a good game cart with the military stretcher with the wheeled attachment.

Anyway, what sources would be beneficial as a selling platform other than Ebay?

Thanks so much!
If you can go to the county association meetings, that would put you in front of most of the fire departments in the county.
N2TRKYS is correct
Attend an EMA/chiefs meeting. That will get your equipment in front of most of the fire departments, EMS and Law enforcement in that county.
A lot of departments are required to put orders for equipment out to bid if it’s over a certain price. You’d need to have your business license and state/federal tax is numbers in order to go this route but it would open a lot of doors. I’ll pm you an open bid for my dept.

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Travis is spot on. Go to county EMA meetings. There you will find “rescue “ minded people that can make it happen.
Think tornados, forest fires, hurricanes and other severe weather areas.
There is a lot of money out there you just have to tap into it.
Also comes mind is oil rigs/oil companies or companies that service them.
The Cajun Navy .
Just brainstorming for you.
You might want to also look at school districts, since school districts and school employees have emergency responsibilities built into their obligations, and school are often utilize as staging and housing areas during times of emergencies and natural disasters. Every school I have ever worked at has had a trailer or large storage room filled with emergency equipment and supplies.