PSA: Bergara Bottom Metal


Dec 17, 2022
I haven't seen this talked about anywhere, but anyone else have issues with the factory bottom metal from Bergara? I have a HMR wilderness. After replacing the scope, I had issues getting it sighted in. Stupid me, I didn't realize that the action had worked loose until I got home from the range. Figuring I would fix that, I put some paint pen on the screws and attempted to torque it down. The rear screw went all squishy on me and the bottom metal cracked. I contacted Bergara, told them I was using a torque wrench and tightening to 55 in lbs per the manual, and they sent me a new one. When the new one showed up, I went to install it and the rear of the bottom metal cracked again. Once again, I called Bergara and spoke to them about the issue. The woman I spoke with told me that they were aware of the issue and offered to send another bottom metal and maybe try a lower torque value. Third bottom metal arrives and I tried to torque to 45 in lbs, dry, just to take that out of the equation. It cracked in the same spot before I hit 45. The bottom metal appears to be made from a cast metal and the screws and bottom metal are both beveled, which probably isn't helping things.
I have a rokstok on order and whenever it comes, I'll go ahead and but new bottom metal to go with it, but for now, the rifle is in the back of safe, out of commission. Bergara customer service was good, but it sucks that their only real solution is to keep sending bottom metals until one hopefully stays together.

It occurred to me that a picture may be helpful.

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Someone should introduce bergara to Darrell.
