Probably gets asked a lot, what arrows?


Aug 5, 2024
First the bow is probably older than lots of people here, its a 90's Jennings buck master. I got a new string last year and bought a few Walmart arrows just to try it out. After not shooting it for probably 15 years and tweeking things like pep height and such I was able to keep a decent group out to 40 yards, like under 6 inches.

I dont want to go all in with a new bow as this does what I want. AKA kill a deer or two a year, I live on 5 acres so I have plenty of deer.

I want a cheaper arrow, just to practice with and take a deer a year. I don't need anything wiz bang, just a decent arrow that will hold up. I also don't need 5 dozen of em, one dozen will be fine.
I run Easton axis 300 spine they haven’t let me down.
100 bucks for a 1/2 dozen does not seem like a cheaper arrow unless I am way out of touch. The Easton's I bought at Walmart last year were iirc 4 bucks each or so.

I guess unless there are other options I will be hitting Walmart again when they stock em up, which is probably now.
Most decent shafts are going to run $7-8 each up to $15+ for .001 straightness.

When I first got started i just bought a dozen Blackout brand arrows from Cabelas which are just Gold Tip hunters re-branded, shot two bucks and a Javalena with them before upgrading.

As long as your bow is in tune, square both ends of the arrow, and use a good insert system with a quality broad head your fine for WT Deer 30-40yds and in.
I killed a pile of deer with gold tip hunters in .003 straitness before I started trying other options. They are about half the price of my current arrows and there is honestly little difference in my groups.

Edited after I reread your post
I wouldn’t have a problem suggesting them or using them myself again. They seemed much more hardy (and less expensive) than Easton axis’s that I used for a while.
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Keep it simple. A standard diameter (6.5mm/.245" ID) shaft of moderate gpi cut about an inch shorter than your draw length and weighted up to around 6-7 gpp (grains of total arrow weight per pound of draw weight) will give you a strong arrow with a good balance of weight and speed at a reasonable price. Black Eagle Outlaw, Easton 6.5mm, Gold Tip Hunter (or its Bass Pro-branded Blackout clone), and Victory VForce (or the Scheels Vendetta clone) would all fit that bill. 340-350 spine should work well at your specs.
Do you know what length arrows you need? I’ve got a bunch of gold tip arrows I’ll give you a heck of a deal on if they’ll work.
I have been shooting the Easton 6.5s and have good luck with them. I use the .003 for practice and the .001 for broad heads. They have been flying great with fixed blades. I used to shoot Easton axis but for the money I can’t justify spending any more for the results I am getting with the 6.5s.