Plans with new 2022 Oregon Eastern Oregon Controlled Archery hunts

What is your plan for archery season

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Jan 10, 2016
The 2022 Oregon hunting regulations are out. You can see the new controlled archery elk hunts, no more over the counter tags in NE Oregon and most eastern Oregon units.

If you draw one of the new controlled archery tags in eastern Oregon, that is also your only hunting opportunity. So no more hunting the coast or cascades on the weekends, and then doing a week long trip out east like lots of people do.

Just curious what other peoples plans are with this change. Obviously not wanting anyone to discuss specific units.

I’m pretty glad I drew one of the “big 3” in 2016 and my buddy I elk hunt with the most drew in 2019.

We will just both put in for the archery draw tag in the area we have spent the last 10 years hunting as our first choice in 2022, and each year after that. No more building prefference points in Oregon for us.
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Feb 26, 2020
It’s going to be interesting if it pulls people out of the rifle draw or decreases bow hunting numbers
Jul 20, 2021
SW Washington
Where we bow hunt for elk (eastern Oregon) I fail to see where it will make much difference for hunting pressure as it looks like ODFW is being pretty generous in tag numbers according to the new 2022 regs. I think that's a shame as we've seen hunting pressure increase notably is the last 3-4 years. They should have just left it alone. Time will tell.
Jan 26, 2021
Where we bow hunt for elk (eastern Oregon) I fail to see where it will make much difference for hunting pressure as it looks like ODFW is being pretty generous in tag numbers according to the new 2022 regs. I think that's a shame as we've seen hunting pressure increase notably is the last 3-4 years. They should have just left it alone. Time will tell.
Yeah but the nonres tags will be capped at 5% right? I can see that lowering pressure at least in some units
PNW bow hunter
Jan 10, 2016
Yeah but the nonres tags will be capped at 5% right? I can see that lowering pressure at least in some units
If I remember correctly a few of the units that the new tag numbers are very similar to the 2020 hunter numbers, there are very high numbers of non res ident hunters. You are probably correct that you will notice less hunters around with the 5 percent cap

The unit I hunt, I basically see different people each week. My buddy and I do 4 day weekends and a 7-10 trip, so almost 20 days of hunting.

Tons of people hunt the coast or cascades most of the season, the. Go east for one week.

With these new tags being your only hunting opportunity, I wonder how that will affect all this.

Archery Rocky Mountain elk hunting opportunity has changed a lot over the last 5 years across the western states
Jan 26, 2021
Im curious how the unit ive been hunting will be, its one of the eastern units thats still otc that borders one thats gone controlled that had a ton of nonres hunters. Hopefully they dont pile into my unit lol