Oregon Initiative Petition 13


Oct 1, 2015
Screw these people. Why can't liberals just leave us alone? They are always screwing with my life. I think this will produce about 300 million poachers or a mass exodus if it passes.


Oct 18, 2018
It clearly states that lawful fishing, hunting, trapping is exempt. Although this is still a ludicrous petition it has no teeth on the hunting industry contrary to what gohunt reported.


Mar 24, 2016
A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.

-Eric Hoffer


Jan 15, 2015
It clearly states that lawful fishing, hunting, trapping is exempt. Although this is still a ludicrous petition it has no teeth on the hunting industry contrary to what gohunt reported.
It's death by a 1,000 cuts or Journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step

If you think it's not a threat, you are fooling yourself
Jun 27, 2019
The Boot
It clearly states that lawful fishing, hunting, trapping is exempt. Although this is still a ludicrous petition it has no teeth on the hunting industry contrary to what gohunt reported.

Where you read that, its in brackets and in italics. I *believe* that when something is in brackets and italics, that means those things are to be deleted from the current law should this pass. So hunting trapping and fishing would LOSE its exemption as it would be deleted - making it illegal. Someone better versed in oregon law can correct me if Im wrong. Most additions in state laws are in braces, underlined and in bold.

But it is supported by the questions section of their website:

"Would IP13 make hunting, fishing, and trapping illegal?"

"If passed, IP13 would remove the exemption for hunting, fishing, and trapping from our cruelty laws, meaning that any practice that involves the intentional injury of an animal would be criminalized. Although the practice of seeking, pursuing, and in some cases even capturing an animal would still be legally protected, the practice of killing animals would no longer be protected. Many of those who are following the campaign are concerned about meeting the needs that they currently try to meet by hunting, fishing, and trapping. Those needs have included a need for food, a need for conservation, a need for recreation, and many others. We want to help show how all of those needs can still be met while also meeting the needs of animals to be free from unnecessary human-caused suffering. Within the state of Oregon we have ample food, as well as the resources needed to distribute that food to every citizen."
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Oct 22, 2015
Portland, OR
Where you read that, its in brackets and in italics. I *believe* that when something is in brackets and italics, that means those things are to be deleted from the current law should this pass. So hunting trapping and fishing would LOSE its exemption as it would be deleted - making it illegal. Someone better versed in oregon law can correct me if Im wrong. Most additions in state laws are in braces, underlined and in bold.

But it is supported by the questions section of their website:

Would IP13 make hunting, fishing, and trapping illegal?

If passed, IP13 would remove the exemption for hunting, fishing, and trapping from our cruelty laws, meaning that any practice that involves the intentional injury of an animal would be criminalized. Although the practice of seeking, pursuing, and in some cases even capturing an animal would still be legally protected, the practice of killing animals would no longer be protected. Many of those who are following the campaign are concerned about meeting the needs that they currently try to meet by hunting, fishing, and trapping. Those needs have included a need for food, a need for conservation, a need for recreation, and many others. We want to help show how all of those needs can still be met while also meeting the needs of animals to be free from unnecessary human-caused suffering. Within the state of Oregon we have ample food, as well as the resources needed to distribute that food to every citizen.
you are correct. it is absolutely insane


Jul 1, 2020
Agreed - as dschmidt and TBB have pointed out, brackets and italics are deleted items. Bold is new wording.

Fundamentally, this eliminates all productive animal husbandry in the ranching and fishing arenas as well as consumptive use of animals [hunting and fishing]. It also eliminates, by redefining animal sexual assault, any insemination or breeding practices. The only animal protein available for consumption under this rule would be that which died of old age.

Most of the large [and small/boutique] animal husbandry/ranching groups have publicized this and OHA is working on it. Even Randy Newberg has made some effort to understand. I have not yet seen anything from the large commercial fishing industry trades and hope they get on board.

OHA and others commented on a poorly written summary descriptions and got that changed - thankfully - to more clearly describe the impacts. But yes, this is a concerning trend. IP13 was authored by the same person involved in similar actions in Colorado.

The one element that I cannot fully determine is whether this is specific to Oregon product alone and imports from other states would not be an issue or if it is production, distribution and sale.

Oregon Farm Bureau statement

Protect the Harvest piece

Dairy producers

Oregon Hunters Association

Unfortunate indeed but with the 1994 ban among others in Oregon, this is not farfetched with the social media campaigns and folks not really wanting to understand the full breadth of something like this. They read 'outlaw animal abuse' - and react. And it goes directly to the voters - no debate or watering down.


Dec 15, 2017
Snip from the petition notes above>
We want to help show how all of those needs can still be met while also meeting the needs of animals to be free from unnecessary human-caused suffering. Within the state of Oregon we have ample food, as well as the resources needed to distribute that food to every citizen.
Cradle to the grave just like a good commie/Marxist ideal.

Don’t worry though, you’ll still have public land, right? Right? Don’t worry, you’ll have it until you don’t.
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Sep 14, 2017
Western OR
I have been bringing this petition up to people lately asking if everybody was aware? The common response is "yeah, we heard about it, but it will never pass". I guess folks think because it contains language about what ranchers can do with their cattle it will never pass. I said the same thing about legalizing hard drugs in our state recently. People need to understand when this is marketed as an animal cruelty prevention bill, and a lot of folks don't read the fine print. Even if they completely understand the contents, there are enough folks in Portland who follow a more whimsical path and don't have any skin in the game whom will gladly endorse not sexually fondling livestock.


Feb 13, 2019

Absolutely insane. I'd love to sit down with the people that created this just to see what makes them tick. It makes my head hurt just trying to make sense of what they believe in.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
I think the meat industry should boycott Western Oregon for 90 days. Vegan products only, no leather, no animal products period, vegan pet food. Shut the store meat depts down as they are selling “harmed” animals, remove all products with animal sourced ingredients.

Problem will resolve itself pretty fast. They don’t realize half the grocery store shelves have some type of animal in it, from Worcestershire to toothpaste.


Jul 26, 2015
View attachment 307000

Absolutely insane. I'd love to sit down with the people that created this just to see what makes them tick. It makes my head hurt just trying to make sense of what they believe in.

That’s easy. We basically live life solitary now sitting at home looking at our phones

This solitude, causes people to dig deep into their feelings, which are soft af!

These feelings cause these people to go insane, they can’t live with themselves feeing guilt over everything so they drum up this bull****.

I’m short, times are so easy now days we are creating problems for entertainment. When times are tough people are too busy grinding away to provide to have time to drum up **** to worry about!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Jun 19, 2020
I've gone through the initiative and I'm trying to figure out if this would potentially shutdown the commercial Dungeness Crabbing in Oregon, anybody have insight on this? Ranchers could only butcher a cow if it dies of old age, crazy times we live in.