Optic power Vs weight sacrifice


Feb 21, 2023
Just got back from a tahr hunt in New Zealand. Had it in my mind I’d use my Leica trinovid 10x40 binos on a tripod for my main glassing instrument.
After arriving I quickly realized I was in for a difficult task. The mountains were vast and the scrub was thick!
Thank god I decided to bring my swaro ATX 65mm. Because I was able to find plenty of tahr with the spotter, and very few with the binos.
I considered not bringing the spotter due to weight savings. But now after this hunt experience I am seriously considering buying some 15,16, or 18x binos to use in combination with my tripod.
Folks that have experience with these which do you like best? Is the difference between 15and 18 worth the weight? (I’d be done with it and buy the BTX from swaro but I really can’t justify the price tag yet)

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