onX elite vs gohunt insider

Sep 1, 2021
I'm looking to purchase one of these. I have had onx before but am thinking about doing the elite subscription to get the draw odds and stuff that toprut offers. I have also heard good things about gohunt and their draw odds system BUT I have never used their mapping software on mobile. How does their mobile mapping software on Android compare to OnX? If any of you have used both, which one would you recommend?

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I have both. But i do not have android. Onx is definitely more user friendly both on the mobile app and the desktop. Go Hunt mapping is a little laggy. GoHunt maps can do some cool things like highlight elevations and display summer/winter patterns for herds. It only covers the western big game states. GoHunt is a little new to the game, so i would expect it to get better through the years. I prefer to use OnX in the field though. One thing about GoHunt that is HANDS DOWN worth the purchase is the applications stats. GoHunts filtering 2.0 really helps you narrow down where to apply.
In my opinion, the GoHunt UI is sort of still in beta. That may just be because I've been an onX power user for years. I'd suggest trying a free trial of both if possible.
I have both right now onx still performs better for me. But the features that Go Hunt is packing into there app is Awesome. They are making improvements all the time.
I have both right now and am considering switching everything to go hunt. But IMO Ox still has a better UI, isn't as laggy and has some tools Gohunt doesn't have like the roadless area layer. There are more waypoint customizations too such as birds, turkey, fishing, etc. However, Gohunt terrain analysis that just came out is real sweet so I might use both for a while until Gohunt makes improvements.
1000+ views and only 4 replies? Surely some other people can chime in on this topic.
I used onX for years and really liked it but since I had the GoHUNT insider anyway,whenever they added maps it didn’t make since to have both so I let the onX go and just used GoHUNT this last season. It was just as easy to use and I had no problems. I hear onX is adding some features similar to GoHUNT insider but haven’t looked into it, I’m happy with GoHUNT. I do use BaseMap as a backup because of the price.
I have all the map apps, GOHUNT never gets used. Maps are bad where I hunt, which isn’t their fault but makes it a non starter.
I really like some of the gohunt mapping tools, but OnX is way easier for me to use from my phone. I have both maps pulled up on my computer quite often, but never use GoHunt in the field. I use the crap out of the GoHunt's draw odds filtering system though.
Old thread but hoping some guys that have used both can chime in on the topic of map usability with regards to snow.

OnX frustrates the hell outta me with almost every high elevation aerial on the app taken during winter. Literally useless in 99% of spots I hunt in WA, ID, and MT.

How's GoHunt stack up?
I really like some of the gohunt mapping tools, but OnX is way easier for me to use from my phone. I have both maps pulled up on my computer quite often, but never use GoHunt in the field. I use the crap out of the GoHunt's draw odds filtering system though.

This is exactly how I feel about and use both. I even moved my pins over to GoHunt’s map, but it just doesn’t work as well on my phone as OnX yet.

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OnX is better, but Gohunt has some cool features and they are putting in the effort to catch up.
I have both / pay for both, but I begrudgingly use OnX more.

1) I color code and use certain icons for my waypoints. Moving them over to GoHunt would be a task (I'm certain this is a feature and not a bug of OnX).
2) GoHunt is lacking a good search feature for waypoints. I can search OnX for something like "NoTellum Creek Wyoming" and get some hits, GoHunt doesn't have that.

I do think GoHunt is trying to improve. OnX is complacent to stay the same. Can't wait for GoHunt to catch up.