No offense, but this makes me laugh everytime I see comments like this about camo patterns. This opinion is coming from a bowhunter that needs to get close.
Max-1, xtra, fusion, etc, etc are all what I refer to as Hollywood camo patterns. They look good on TV or at an auction dinner or something of the like. But if if your intention is to hide from animals, ASAT is one of the best patterns ever. I wear ASAT 3D and its down right unfair to the animals. On video(VHS days), I have literally done jumping jacks in a tree stand with whitetails at 10yds staring up at me with WTF looks on their faces. I have shot numerous gobblers at a range of zero yards wearing ASAT 3D. Killed countless whitetails with the bow and have had elk encounters at zero yds many many times. And the elk encounters were against the advice of my buddy who lives in CO. His quote: "I know u luv ur ASAT but u might want to bring a darker pattern out here." His opinion changed when a small bull almost licked my ear(crazy story).
Simple test for camo: have ur buddy wear it and walk out about 100yds, even in a parking lot. If u can still make out the pattern at that distance, winner winner chicken dinner. I think u will find that the hollywood patterns look like dark and/or grey blobs at distance. Big, bold patterns with sharp edges and high contrast hide you from animals. There's a reason you see tons of guides wearing ASAT.
The only pattern that compares to ASAT IMHO is Kuiu Vias(I own the entire set). Search this site or their site for pics of guys way up in the rocks. Vias holds its pattern WAY WAY out. To the detriment of several bucks, I have tested it for two years here in the east tree standing for whitetails. Shot a gobbler at zero yds laying in a grass field next to my buddy who was wearing my ASAT. Animals look right thru it. I have pics of my sheep guide glassing like a half mile out and the way the VIAS pattern holds up is astounding.
I'll try and post some pics later to illustrate my point. My 6 cents. Good luck.