NF NXS vs. Leupold Mark4HD


Mar 4, 2025
Seeing previous threads comparing the SHV to the Leupold Mark 4HD. Looking at the 2.5-10x42 in both these scopes. There’s a $500 premium for the NF scope. Curious everyone’s thoughts on if the NXS is worth the upgrade for my use case. This will be used on a Tikka .270 mostly for whitetail hunting in the Midwest with occasional trips for elk/mule deer out west. Max range 500-600yds. Thanks for the feedback.
What negative experience did you have with the Leupold?
The issue I has was they tended to not hold zero. The vx5hd's couldn't pass tall target tests. Would tent to track true but always be off where they were suppose to be. Say I dialed 10moa the scope would show 12moa on the target.
The Mk5 3.6-18x44 was decent scope but fov and the 35mm main tube made it feel large and out of place. Although it was probably my favorite leupold.