new strings

I had a set of brand new strings, from a extremely reputable manufacturer, blow up in my face the first time I shot with them. Guy swore I dry fired the bow but I didnt and I had witnesses. Not a fun experience nor one I want again
I don't think there's any need to change your strings if you've only got 500 shots in them and have no real visible wear/damage
It’s like the oil in your car just cause you don’t drive 3 thousand miles don’t mean you shouldn’t change it After so many months.

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So your risking your bow blowing up in your face so you can save 150 bucks?

Strings "blow up" because they get frayed and pinch points around the sharp radius of cams wear through serving and string strands.

If they aren't frayed and the serving around the cam tracks at the pinch points show no wear, the strings won't "blow up".
how often do you guys change your strings. I got a revolt x new I think 3 years ago. its not shot alot cause I travel for work. strings look perfect to me, but the local bow shot thinks you should change alot it seems. I just dont wanna do it. Im guessing maybe 500 shots on them over the last 3 years

Last set I put on was 2017. The material used and prestreching the strands is what matters.
Last set I put on was 2017. The material used and prestreching the strands is what matters.
I would be interested to see what a string maker would have to say about this. You could be right. I’m just not going to risk my face, or a hunt to find out. The fact that cables are always under tension is what worries me. Especially because there’s only so much of the fibers that are even visible.
I would be interested to see what a string maker would have to say about this. You could be right. I’m just not going to risk my face, or a hunt to find out. The fact that cables are always under tension is what worries me. Especially because there’s only so much of the fibers that are even visible.

They are under tension, but not really by as much as we think with how relatively easy you can move them back and forth without much effort.

The "good" thing about synthetic strand cables and strings is that if they do break, they won't whip the way the old wire rope cables would.

A string maker I know preferred to build them under tension for longevity by pre "stressing" them.
I just redid the center serving on the Winners Choice string the came from the factory on my elite bow. I have shot it for a couple years and have noticed zero peep rotation or change in tune. I am hesitant to change it if my bow is dialed and is shooting great.
I am sure string quality has improved greatly from the last time a bow shop talked me into buying a custom string. That thing rotated like crazy,
I bought a new bow last year and starting to see fraying loose strands around my peep. The factory strings look good everywhere else, but leaning towards replacing them just to be safe. Probably have 1000 arrows through it at this point.
I put on ABB premium in Jan and last week put on GAS. Guess it depends how much you shoot and how you take care of them.. 3 years old I would put new ones on and save your current strings as a back up incase you find yourself SOL hunting...