So your risking your bow blowing up in your face so you can save 150 bucks?
how often do you guys change your strings. I got a revolt x new I think 3 years ago. its not shot alot cause I travel for work. strings look perfect to me, but the local bow shot thinks you should change alot it seems. I just dont wanna do it. Im guessing maybe 500 shots on them over the last 3 years
I would be interested to see what a string maker would have to say about this. You could be right. I’m just not going to risk my face, or a hunt to find out. The fact that cables are always under tension is what worries me. Especially because there’s only so much of the fibers that are even visible.Last set I put on was 2017. The material used and prestreching the strands is what matters.
I would be interested to see what a string maker would have to say about this. You could be right. I’m just not going to risk my face, or a hunt to find out. The fact that cables are always under tension is what worries me. Especially because there’s only so much of the fibers that are even visible.