New 7prc build. Comparing Apples to Oranges (XLR vs P2 Altitude vs ???). few Weight questions

resident vs nonresident

Feb 17, 2023
hey guys. *(in advance: sorry for long write up, didn't want to miss any details)
hoping few of you experts can help answer or suggest stock/chassis for my new rifle build.
i jumped on the 7PRC bandwagon and no turning back now.
1. Action: Tikka T3x magnum
2. Barrel: Proof Carbon Sendero 22" (would have liked 20" but non-option)
Ideally i'm trying to keep it as light as realistically possible. and where i'm now is trying to decide on stock/chassis. thus Apples to Oranges comparison. i'm no pro, so help me out confirm if my math is right:
*leaving out Scope/Rings/Suppressor as these will be same no matter what we pick

Package #1: XLR Element 4.0 chassis / Tikka action / Proof barrel
121 oz (7.56lbs) Total. *(did i miss anything) where can we shave some weight off?
- 31 oz Tikka action (OE mag / Bottom plastic removed)
- 42 oz Proof barrel
- 20 oz Chassis (web lists 16-20 so i'm going with heaviest listing for now)
- 12 oz Carbon buttstock
- 4.5 oz Ergo Grip
- 4.5 oz folder
- 7.3 oz 5rd mag **(really NOT excited for 1/2 lb mag) are there better options even if 3-4rounds? is Hinged floor plate an option?

Package #2: P2 (Mesa precision) Altitude stock / Tikka Action / Proof barrel
105 oz (6.56lbs) Total
- 33 oz Tikka action (including factory Bottom plastic and OE mag)
- 42 oz Proof barrel
- 30 oz Altitude stock (they list 27-30, but i'm going with heaviest listing for now)
- do i need to upgrade bottom metal / what's the weight penalty?
- do i need to bed action / what's the weight penalty?

1 lb difference if i did my math right. if XLR comes in on lighter end of chassis listed website weight range, that could shave another 4oz off.
- i really would be happy to find out that there are some lighter Magazine options for XLR as this seems like 1st place to shave some significant weight.
- if i have to upgrade bottom metal on Mesa, that would also add another 2-4 oz based on few options i looked at
- i also really like that XLR doesn't need add-on for ARCA rail, etc. where that would add extra weight to MESA really slimming down the difference.
- if anyone can give me some real world #'s or confirm that i'm looking at most 16oz difference.
- Cost: XLR is more expensive by few hundred bucks. but if i have to upgrade bottom metal and have it bedded that difference becomes very slim.

thanks in advance.
You will be at the higher end weight on the chassis just due to the design of Tikkas. Take a look at our weight calculator and you can get an overall chassis weight from there! I weighed everything out including the different chassis inlets so those weights are accurate.

On the stock you will probably have to add the weight of the bottom metal to the stock weight (I am not sure what the weight of that is).

As far as magazines go, we would love to see at least some 3 rounders offered in the future! With the popularity of Tikkas continuing to grow I wouldn't be surprised to see something.
This is a great breakdown as I'm trying to decide between the XLR & the Altitude. Leaning towards the altitude because I can go on multiple hunts for the price difference!
I was never a chassis person until I got a magnesium Element, but one huge advantage I can say for sure with the XLR Element and folder is how short you can make the rifle for packing on your backpack.
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I was never a chassis person until I got a magnesium Element, but one huge advantage I can say for sure with the XLR Element and folder is how short you can make the rifle for packing on your backpack.
The folding option is really the only benefit I can see that makes a chassis worth it. Its just a steep price for a creature comfort