nalgene bottle lid

Sep 7, 2015
ive noticed that most people are using a fancy lid on their Nalgene bottles, getting ready to order a couple from kifaru and was wondering what you guys are using.
Also using the Human gear. They are great lids. Love the fact that I can drink while driving and not worry about spilling the big mouth all over me if I have to hit the breaks =) These are great also if you use a Steri Pen for water purification. so you don't cross contaminate.
Think I'd just opt for the smaller mouth Nalgene bottle instead of spending another $6 for a lid?

But then it's really hard to dump drink mix in that small hole without a funnel. That's the only time I use my Nalgene is for my Wilderness Athlete drink mix. This lid makes it more flexible. Can add mix in the larger lid, and have a better lid to drink out of with the smaller one.
But then it's really hard to dump drink mix in that small hole without a funnel. That's the only time I use my Nalgene is for my Wilderness Athlete drink mix. This lid makes it more flexible. Can add mix in the larger lid, and have a better lid to drink out of with the smaller one.

I'm not a "wilderness athlete" so I don't routinely add anything to my water. If it's hard to dump powder through a 2" hole then I guess adding a $6 cap to your $10 water bottle makes sense.
Think I'd just opt for the smaller mouth Nalgene bottle instead of spending another $6 for a lid?

It's 6 bucks.. It ads quite a bit of versatility to the bottle and Aron Snyder made a point that I never thought about before. If you use a steripen or drops the part your mouth touches never touches "dirty water".
I also use the Human Gear lid and I don't add anything to my water. I like being able to get a scrubber in it
I have a narrow mouth Nalgene also, and cleaning it is a pain.
It's 6 bucks.. It ads quite a bit of versatility to the bottle and Aron Snyder made a point that I never thought about before. If you use a steripen or drops the part your mouth touches never touches "dirty water".

Another good point if you use a steripen or drops. I use neither. Hadn't thought about this or the powder issue. I hate those large mouth bottles so I've always used the narrow mouth.
I use my nalgene at home/work and put ice in it a couple times a day so the wide mouth is a must for me.
Not spilling on myself while driving sounds nice and I can't think of anything better for my $8 dividend.
I think the Nalgene bottles are valued so well (if they were double the price people would still scoop them up) and the fact that they are pretty bomb proof I would mind spending some money on alternative parts for it.
Another reason to have wide mouth nalgene with human gear cap us if you use a screw on water filter. Can still screw hose of MSR filter onto it, and not spill all over.

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I use the Nathan 32 ounce bottle that comes with the narrow mouth lid.

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I used to have this bottle and loved it other than the fact that the thread didn't match up to my water filter. My wife accidently melted the lid in the dishwasher so I bought a nalgene with the human gear cap and it's the best of both worlds. Wide mouth for ease of cleaning/adding drink mixes, narrow mouth for drinking and not spilling.