Mystery Ranch Nice Marshall


Feb 9, 2014
Windsor, CO
Does anyone have any experience or comments on the Mystery Ranch Marshall pack with NICE frame. I've been able to find quite a few reviews on the Metcalf, but not much on the Marshall. I am contemplating upgrading to this pack because it's currently priced under $500 (new) as compared to a Kifaru setup $800 (new) to fit my needs. I'd really like to get a higher quality pack like MR or KU and the Marshall appears to be a good pack/frame setup (modified version of the 6500 NICE). Any feedback would be appreciated.

I have the Marshall and have owned a Metcalf as well. Its a very nice pack, essentially a 6500 that they stripped all the molle webbing off of and went to one side zip like a marshall rather than 2 on the 6500. It also has a load sling (not sure why you need it on a pack this big but its there). The new day pack lid is smaller and lighter as well. Its a keeper for me, the longbow and crew cab get more use but if its a backpack style hunt the marshall gets the nod. The lift kit marshall combo is nice too. The extended stays are behind your head and don't get hung up as often when the pack is nod stuffed. When I had a SG the frame is wide all the way up and always seems to be hooking on branches.
Mystery Ranch makes excellent bombproof packs, but they tend to be on the heavy side. That pack is 8 lbs!!

You don't have to spend $800 to get into a Kifaru. Here's a used Mountain Warrior with Duplex frame for $500:

You could buy the new Duplex Ultralight for $320 and get an Exo Mountain Beaver Tail for $40 and a 55L or 75L dry bag for $35 and have yourself an even cheaper setup at half the weight. The Highcamp bag is in the Rhino Den for $160, so that and the Duplex would be cheaper than the MR and almost half the weight too.

I'm not trying to bash MR, I own one and love it, but if your counting ounces, there are better alternatives at comparable prices.
Crazy, at what point does the weight matter? We all do alot of hiking compared to the day of the kill. But on that day is a pack that hauls weight much better and its extra 4 pounds gonna matter? No infact you'll be in less pain. But what about the other 99.5% of the time... :)

Never had a more comfortable waist belt than a MR. Tough choice. I do like bombproof. MR is tougher than the rest. IMO

4 pounds?
Not bashing them either but they have some of the strangest, non-streamlined-looking packs. But I do imagine that they're tough as nails.
Having used quite a few brands over the years I would say that MR has durability that can't be beaten. I don't know if it's in the sewing practices or what as several manufacturers use the same materials, but I have never ever seen a strap pull loose or a stitch pop on one of these regardless of how hard we wrenched on it. We certainly live in a time of wonderful options for comfortable durable packs though.
Brand new design and they're discounting them already along with the rest of the hunting line. Makes me something new is in the works.
Having used quite a few brands over the years I would say that MR has durability that can't be beaten. I don't know if it's in the sewing practices or what as several manufacturers use the same materials, but I have never ever seen a strap pull loose or a stitch pop on one of these regardless of how hard we wrenched on it. We certainly live in a time of wonderful options for comfortable durable packs though.
I can concur. The build quality is just shy of a tank. There is some payoff for that weight.
Crazy, at what point does the weight matter? We all do alot of hiking compared to the day of the kill. But on that day is a pack that hauls weight much better and its extra 4 pounds gonna matter? No infact you'll be in less pain. But what about the other 99.5% of the time... :)

Never had a more comfortable waist belt than a MR. Tough choice. I do like bombproof. MR is tougher than the rest. IMO

4 pounds?

Your making some assumptions here that aren't true. Your assuming a frame that weighs less is going to be less comfortable, and that's simply not true for all frames. If you could get a frame that weighs considerably less at the same price point and be just as comfortable under heavy loads and just as durable, why buy the heavier frame. It's certainly a matter of opinion and body geometry when comparing frame qualities listed above, but a simple search will show that many people find the Kifaru frames to be in the same class or better than the MR frames.

I have a Kifaru frame and a Nice frame. I don't have the add-on stay kit for my Nice frame because it's so heavy already that I just can't justify adding more weight to it. The only time I use the Nice frame is for occasional training purposes to toughen up my shoulders. Other than that, I always use the Kifaru frame.

4 lbs is 4 lbs. Why carry the extra weight when it's not necessary. I've heard the argument that you wouldn't notice 4 lbs when your hauling 100 lbs, but I don't buy it. Lets take this to an extreme to see if it matters. Let's add 4 lbs to your one rep squat max. Do you think you'll be able to lift it? It so, then it wasn't your 1 rep squat max, if not then it makes a difference. Granted this is an extreme example, and for folks who hike in a mile or two from there vehicle to hunt, it doesn't apply. But, for folks who carry their gear on their back all day every day and then gear plus meat when they make a kill, it sure as hell does make a difference.

I don't know the kind of hunting Yak does, so it may not matter, but this is Rokslide so I'm taking some liberties with my assumptions/recommendations. If you can be just as comfortable and durable at a similar price point yet save 4 lbs in the process, then why wouldn't you?!
I have owned the Metcalf and the 6500 which was the basis for the Marshall I believe. Good solid packs. heavy. I carried 100lbs. up a local 1000 ft mountain on my 60th birthday with the Metcalf. It will handle the weight. I really liked mine... until I tried on a Kifaru.
I now have a Kifaru duplex with nomad and long hunter lid. it will handle the weight too.
I prefer the Kifaru
Thanks for the feedback. I do anticipate MR has some new stuff in the works, hence the 'close-out' of a lot of their hunting pack lineup.

My hesitation on the Marshall does have to do with the awkwardness of the exterior pockets and I really don't have an idea of what it looks like in regards to organization.

I've been reexamining the Kifaru 'Hunting Frame' and am beginning to lean that way. I haven't been able to stop looking at the Nomad; might have to spread out the frame and pack purchases over then next couple of years...

Again, I appreciate all the replies.


Thanks for the feedback. I do anticipate MR has some new stuff in the works, hence the 'close-out' of a lot of their hunting pack lineup.

My hesitation on the Marshall does have to do with the awkwardness of the exterior pockets and I really don't have an idea of what it looks like in regards to organization.

I've been reexamining the Kifaru 'Hunting Frame' and am beginning to lean that way. I haven't been able to stop looking at the Nomad; might have to spread out the frame and pack purchases over then next couple of years...

Again, I appreciate all the replies.


MR has come out and said they are releasing a new.line of Hunting pack, I think January was what was put out there.
Ran into a MR rep at the local store. Supposedly, a new frame will be released. Lighter than the existing NICE frame, with good flexibility but rigid when a load weight increases. It was a pretty smart looking design to how they achieved it. If I remember correctly it is going to be released as the Guide Lite frame or something. All of the new bags will be changed to accommodate the new frame. Partially why I suspect they are blowing out the bags before the ATA show launch.
Yak if budget is the issue I would like to suggest buying a frame and a load sling and a couple of pockets. This will get you on the trail. then pick up a nomad bag used. Then sell the load sling or keep it. You do not see used load slings for sale very long.