modifications to EMRII and duplex frame to reduce weight


Mar 24, 2013
I just received my EMRII and it looks awsome. I think it packs down smaller than my DT1.
I was wondering if there is any other use for the two buckles that are used for the old style belts with the two delta straps? One is on the frame and the other is on the bag. Also, what are the triangle attachments used for besides the old style Grab-It? I'm thinking of cutting these off but I thought I would make sure I'm not missing anything.

So far I've left everything on mine, other than I trimmed my LH lid some. I like having the triangle on there as another lash point, should I ever need it.
I just do a few more minutes on the stair climber and not worry about the extra 4 ounces of buckles.

I was able to reduce my Bikini framed T1 with LH lid by several ounces. I'm not finding as much on this pack I would remove. If those buckles are only for the older belts I will axe them.
So far I've left everything on mine, other than I trimmed my LH lid some. I like having the triangle on there as another lash point, should I ever need it.

I would still keep the fabric loop for hooking a lash strap to.
I rock the full, natural, untouched version as well. Trimming is for other areas.... ;) There's a thread for that too. LOL.

I just can't bring myself to cut up something I paid so much for. Not that I worry about resale, but I think an uncut configuration will resell better.
If you cut the buckles off and later decide you need them you could always slap a split bar ladder lock back on the loop and you're back in action.