Method around lack of load data

Jul 24, 2016
I got to thinking a few nights ago. In instances when powder choices are limited and those that are accessible don't match up with existing published load data, of a way to identify more good alternatives to shop for. Here's my idea and I'd appreciate some feedback. My example will be with the 33 Nosler. Of the limited data, I haven't been able to find any top performing powders for this cartridge.

Step 1. Determine these numbers:
Case volume loaded with choice bullet (V). At least Nosler lists H2O volumes with loaded bullets.
Cross sectional bore area (A)
Ratio of V/A
Sectional density of choice bullet (SD)

Step 2. Look to other calibers
Find the cartridge with similar V/A ratio above.
Look to the load data of the bullet weight with similar SD
Consider copper vs lead density with load density %

33 Nosler with a 225 grain ttsx
V/A = 914 (H2O gr per in^2)
SD = 0.28

In the .243 caliber, I see 6mm XC w/115gr; .264 caliber, 6.5x55 Swedish w/140gr; .284 caliber, .284 Winchester w/160gr; .308 caliber, 300 WSM w/190-200gr; .375 caliber, 375 RUM w/260-300gr.

I find many of the same powders working well across these.

Well, would this be a safe way to find some other good powder candidates?
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Yep... Quickload is the 21st century way.
But it ain't perfect, so start low and work up.
You're basically wildcatting so all the other caveats apply too.
What’s wrong with Noslers data?

I see H4831sc, RL 17, 19, 22. Those aren’t too hard to find. H4831sc and RL 19 are in stock right now. Use
What’s wrong with Noslers data?

I see H4831sc, RL 17, 19, 22. Those aren’t too hard to find. H4831sc and RL 19 are in stock right now. Use
I am in Alaska and getting powder shipped up here is a PITA having to go hazmat. I haven't seen any of those powders you suggest up here in over a year.