Max point blank range for elk

Aug 10, 2024
Calculating max point blank hold zero yardage to ensure vital area hit. Load I’m working with is 300 PRC 212 gr ELDx zeroed at 385yds. Max abov/below zero of 6” out to 600yds as per Hornady ballistics calculator.
If we consider 1 moa group sizes, 600 yard shot could be max of 12 “ low. If I’m thinking about this correctly, seems to be to excessive to ensure a clean shot in the vitals. I’m thinking to adjust point blank zero range plus group size MOA adjustment to no more than 8”.

Thanks for your response. May I ask what calculator you are using? Being able to enter target size isn’t an option on the Hornady calculator. Looks pretty handy.
So the idea with MPBR is you hold dead center out to 385 and then anything past that, you dial or hold for elevation. I am a dialer, so I zero my rifles at 100, but often switch to an MPBR if I am hiking in certain terrain. Easy to do on the fly with exposed elevation turrets
I understand the concept. Just trying to accurately do the calcs to understand max range at which I can hit vitals without dialing.
I understand the concept. Just trying to accurately do the calcs to understand max range at which I can hit vitals without dialing.
I don’t understand why you are thinking you could be 12” low at 600. That doesnt make any sense to me. If you are shooting an MOA rifle, you should have a 6” group at 600 yards.
I don’t understand why you are thinking you could be 12” low at 600. That doesnt make any sense to me. If you are shooting an MOA rifle, you should have a 6” group at 600 yards.
He’s saying 6” away from center for drop, and another potential 6” for 1 moa away from aim point.
The drop is miscalculated to begin with, nothing is that flat to 600 even with a 400y zero.

OP, what scope are you using? Nothing wrong with extending your zero a bit, but it sounds like you’re trying to have your zero make up for dialing and holding over way past traditional MPBR effective distance.
Calculating max point blank hold zero yardage to ensure vital area hit. Load I’m working with is 300 PRC 212 gr ELDx zeroed at 385yds. Max abov/below zero of 6” out to 600yds as per Hornady ballistics calculator.
If we consider 1 moa group sizes, 600 yard shot could be max of 12 “ low. If I’m thinking about this correctly, seems to be to excessive to ensure a clean shot in the vitals. I’m thinking to adjust point blank zero range plus group size MOA adjustment to no more than 8”.


This is not how you calculate ballistics, and the desire to shoot long distance easily is leading you down a path that will result in misses, wounded animals, or incorrect animals hit.

Stop thinking about taking a 600 yard shot on an elk, and start thinking about zeroing your rifle at 100 yds like everyone else. You need to be shooting at distances further than you intend to hunt, and if you're asking questions like this I would recommend limiting yourself to no more than 400 yds until you get more proficient with your rifle.
Calculating max point blank hold zero yardage to ensure vital area hit. Load I’m working with is 300 PRC 212 gr ELDx zeroed at 385yds. Max abov/below zero of 6” out to 600yds as per Hornady ballistics calculator.
If we consider 1 moa group sizes, 600 yard shot could be max of 12 “ low. If I’m thinking about this correctly, seems to be to excessive to ensure a clean shot in the vitals. I’m thinking to adjust point blank zero range plus group size MOA adjustment to no more than 8”.

Thoughts are what others have said. The above is a bad idea. Learn to shoot the rifle accurately at 100yds and then learn how to use your equipment to get your ranges and make adjustments. There is no cheat code for shooting to 600yds and beyond. Each shot is its own calculation.
Thanks for your response. May I ask what calculator you are using? Being able to enter target size isn’t an option on the Hornady calculator. Looks pretty handy.
Hey thank you for posting your response. It was extremely helpful as it helped me determine where my error was. I have never owned any rifle in any chambering that even came close to what I was seeing. After running calcs on the Hornady app,
when I scrolled the table, I was not seeing that I was under the wrong column heading. I was looking at MOA not inches. Stupid mistake on my part.

Again thank you for your response. It saved me some range time working with the wrong firing solution.

Appreciate ya.