Maven S1

Apr 5, 2016
Hey guys,

I finally have the green light from my wife to pull the trigger on a spotting scope. It will primarily be used for scouting deer in june and july out of a vehicle, mtn bears in the spring and mule deer on the alberta badlands in the early fall. With work and family obligations we only get out on a sheep hunt once every couple of years, but obviously it would be in the pack for that as well.

As much as I am sure the german glass is tough to beat, I just can't justify that expense. I currently run the maven b2's and have been very impressed with the quality. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone with the S1 up here, and would rather have some opinions prior to paying the shipping for a demo from Maven.

So for those of you with experience with the maven s1 what were you general thoughts? Did you miss the additional magnification or was the 50x sufficient?
Apr 5, 2016


Dec 15, 2019
Just the image quality/clearness wasn’t there to me. I’m not an expert by any means but I would put the maven in the category of my gen 2 razor I sold a while back (slightly better than the razor) and the meostar would hang with my current Swaro atx. Just my 2 cents I think the whole meostar line punches well beyond its level. Currently running meostar binos because I don’t see hardly any difference between them and Swaro slc’s.
Apr 5, 2016
Just the image quality/clearness wasn’t there to me. I’m not an expert by any means but I would put the maven in the category of my gen 2 razor I sold a while back (slightly better than the razor) and the meostar would hang with my current Swaro atx. Just my 2 cents I think the whole meostar line punches well beyond its level. Currently running meostar binos because I don’t see hardly any difference between them and Swaro slc’s.
Great insight. My brother-in-law and I both agree that my Maven B2's are superior to his Razor's, so good to hear you had similar results with the gen 2 razor spotter. Bro-in-law runs the Gen 2 Razor, so I know what that image quality is, so nice to have something to compare the mavens and the meostar to. Thanks again for the time.


Jan 8, 2020
I havent used the Maven so cannot comment on it nor could I afford my first choice Swaro 95mm ATX...but took advantage of the Camera land s2 deal mentioned, the glass in this is very nice and the build quality is first rate.

The Maven may be lighter more packable if thats a consideration ??
Apr 5, 2016
I havent used the Maven so cannot comment on it nor could I afford my first choice Swaro 95mm ATX...but took advantage of the Camera land s2 deal mentioned, the glass in this is very nice and the build quality is first rate.

The Maven may be lighter more packable if thats a consideration ??
The weights are pretty much a wash, but certainly a straight maven will be more packable than an angled Meopta. I have sent an email to see if the cameraland price is only for the angled or straight. My preference is certainly straight if possible.
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