Maven RS.2

Sep 20, 2024
I am considering a Maven RS.2 as a fairly inexpensive scope that will hold zero to replace Leupold VX3 and Swaro Z3. I have other scopes, to include a couple of NF NXS, Swaro Z5, older Zeiss Conquest, and a mix of older fixed power scopes; and, the Rokslide Forums have helped me resolve some mysteries therein. I have a Maven RS1.2 on the way, and will probably be adding another one or two (or SHVs) as time goes on. I have already read more threads here than I can truthfully remember. So, to cut to the chase, am considering the Maven RS.2 as a partial fix. For this purpose I don't need any frills...SFP is fine, MOA is fine, and could easily use a fixed 6 if something durable were available. Therefore, wondered if anyone knows how well The RS.2 holds this case, that's really my only unanswered question. They shouldn't get banged around too much. If they can tolerate bumpy vehicle rides, and even the 18 inch drop test, they should suit this purpose . This is my first real posting, and apologize if I missed this answer somewhere. And, just FYI, I did some 18 inch drop tests ....and yes...that was a depressing day. (But explained a few mysteries over the past years!). Thanks in advance, and very best luck to everyone as fall hunting gets underway!