I really like the idea of shooting match bullets and am currently working with 147 Eldms in my 6.5 prc and 225 eldms in my 300. This picture is what makes me hesitant. If I was carrying my 300 with copper bullets I’d aim for the red dot and send it with full confidence, but if I’m carrying my 6.5 and 147 eldms I’d be nervous and aim for the blue dot. If I miss forward I may not punch through the shoulder and if I miss aft I miss the lungs. I’m sure I’m overthinking this, but the last thing I need when an opportunity arises is hesitation or lack of confidence. Other angles don’t seem to bother me, but Murphy is unfortunately a good friend of mine and I know that this is the shot I’m going to be presented with on a moose or elk the first time I take those 147s to the field. So I guess what I need to be convinced of is that at close range that bullet is going to at least destroy that shoulder and give me plenty of follow up opportunities and the long range shot will stick together enough to punch through the shoulder.