Low T replacement


May 3, 2015
I will be 40 at the end of October this year. I had been feeling off for some time. Was tired all the time, my brain seemed as if it was in a fog, had time concentrating, would anger easily, and overall just felt poor. I’m May I went to the doctor for a physical and to get my blood works done. Everything was good with the exception of my testosterone level was low. The doctor talked about the options with me and I decided that the injections where the best for me. So now since starting the treatment I receive the shot every two weeks and fell 100% better. I have lots more energy, my brain thinks clear and my overall mood is much better. Now that I have plenty of energy I have changed my diet and started exercising more and have lost 20lbs since starting. The doctor said that I could be possible with diet and exercise to maybe one day not needthe injections. That is my goal to be able to not need the medication. I would recommend that everyone get check because it has made a great difference in my life. My wife is not so sure about me taking the testosterone but that is because I won’t leave her alone. Now getting out of bed is the second hardest thing in the morning if you know what I mean.

Does anyone else have any experience with testosterone replacement?

What are your thoughts?

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Mar 18, 2015
I will be 40 at the end of October this year. I had been feeling off for some time. Was tired all the time, my brain seemed as if it was in a fog, had time concentrating, would anger easily, and overall just felt poor. I’m May I went to the doctor for a physical and to get my blood works done. Everything was good with the exception of my testosterone level was low. The doctor talked about the options with me and I decided that the injections where the best for me. So now since starting the treatment I receive the shot every two weeks and fell 100% better. I have lots more energy, my brain thinks clear and my overall mood is much better. Now that I have plenty of energy I have changed my diet and started exercising more and have lost 20lbs since starting. The doctor said that I could be possible with diet and exercise to maybe one day not needthe injections. That is my goal to be able to not need the medication. I would recommend that everyone get check because it has made a great difference in my life. My wife is not so sure about me taking the testosterone but that is because I won’t leave her alone. Now getting out of bed is the second hardest thing in the morning if you know what I mean.

Does anyone else have any experience with testosterone replacement?

What are your thoughts?

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I have been on T for about 4 or 5 years now (I'll be 45 at the end of the year). My experience is largely the same. I have been able to build muscle mass, maintain better focus, and my energy levels & drives are back where they ought to be.

It has been a game changer for me. My wife helps me with the injections.

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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I had been feeling off for some time. Was tired all the time, my brain seemed as if it was in a fog, had time concentrating, would anger easily, and overall just felt poor.

I've felt like that the last 20 years, I'm 54 now. But my testosterone isn't even close to low. At least you found a cure for your malaise.
Aug 18, 2019
I will be 40 at the end of October this year. I had been feeling off for some time. Was tired all the time, my brain seemed as if it was in a fog, had time concentrating, would anger easily, and overall just felt poor. I’m May I went to the doctor for a physical and to get my blood works done. Everything was good with the exception of my testosterone level was low. The doctor talked about the options with me and I decided that the injections where the best for me. So now since starting the treatment I receive the shot every two weeks and fell 100% better. I have lots more energy, my brain thinks clear and my overall mood is much better. Now that I have plenty of energy I have changed my diet and started exercising more and have lost 20lbs since starting. The doctor said that I could be possible with diet and exercise to maybe one day not needthe injections. That is my goal to be able to not need the medication. I would recommend that everyone get check because it has made a great difference in my life. My wife is not so sure about me taking the testosterone but that is because I won’t leave her alone. Now getting out of bed is the second hardest thing in the morning if you know what I mean.

Does anyone else have any experience with testosterone replacement?

What are your thoughts?

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44 year old, been on it for two years, inject myself in the quad every 4th morning, twice a week. Half life of Testosterone Cypionate is 8 days. You will have massive troughs if you are injecting once every two weeks. Split the dose to twice weekly. Few doctors understand good protocol in this arena. HCG should be taken with it and bloodwork should be every 3 months. It has been a game changer for me. I was in bad shape before I got on TRT. You will begin to feel terrible sooner than later with once every two weeks. Find a doctor that understands this treatment. Many don’t.


Nov 24, 2016
Is there anything over the counter that can be taken rather than shots. Asking for a friend 😁.


May 3, 2017
I've been on it for a few years myself, wife shoots me up every 2 weeks. I don't feel any different with or without the injections but there are many parts to T effecting all sorts of functions. I never had a problem in the bedroom but now the wife really has issues.
Aug 18, 2019
Is there anything over the counter that can be taken rather than shots. Asking for a friend 😁.
No, not that will make a difference. Zinc supplements, lift heavy stuff and that’s about it. Ryan Lampers wife is a specialist in this arena. Had an online course available at HuntHarvestHealth. Check it out. It’s where I started to gather info. I think it was 40 bucks.
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
I am almost 58. Riding a stationary bike 30 - 60 minutes several times a week, or a dirt bike hard for an hour (which is 10x the workout) keeps my T up pretty high for my age. The way I ride the bike is with alternating VERY high setting sprints alternated with easy riding. This heavily activates the large leg muscles. Taking a zinc supplement definitely makes a difference that I can detect. I also basically eat only meat and veggies and consume very little alcohol and virtually no sugar. When the time comes, I'm all in for TRT, but that time is not now. How much is genetics, I don't know. But I am positive that riding the bikes makes all the difference in the world, like I am two different people with and without the riding.

Sorry about the photo, but want to illustrate the results I am getting at my "advanced" age with the diet and exercise routine above.

I think now that you are getting the shots you are going to have a very difficult time stopping. It's hard enough just to go back to your baseline, as your gonads will be producing less T than when you started. If you really want to get off the T you should start immediately transitioning back to natural. There are probably good and bad ways to do this, so do your research. But I think the longer you wait the less chance of ever stopping.

Not that stopping is necessary. Lots of guys start in their 40s and have great results.
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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Posteriour chain lifts, eating only good natural foods, balance of omega 3 to 6, broccoli before sleep all will help natural t production and reduce estrogen production.

It is probably best to use natural means if at all possible but I am no expert on this.


Nov 24, 2016
I walk about 6 to 10 miles a day and during the winter I am on the treadmill doing at least 4 miles a day just so I don't get lazy, heavy lifting is a normal day. I am 61 and can out work most guys 20 years my junior. I don't have a sex problem, so maybe I don't need anymore T.
May 26, 2019
So 2 things that jump Out to me as wrong as someone else stated the 1 injection every 2 weeks is not even close to the best way to do your injections they should be Done in smaller dosages more often and you will actually be able to maintain a more consistent level and reach a higher test level
With less mgs of test. The other is once you have started you will never feel the same if you go off no
Matter what that dr says. So with that being said find a dr that specializes in this so that he can monitor your test levels and find out what works best for you bcuz everyone is different and responds differently. Just think if you feel this
Much better doing your injections 1 time every 2 weeks. Your going to feel even better keeping your levels consistent with a dr who knows what he’s doing.
Don’t want to sound like a downer Bcuz I think it’s great your seeing such great results I just know that if you do get with a dr that specializes in this you will feel even better. Right now your body is loving it bcuz it’s new so it’s working so well but as time goes on you won’t see the same results and the side effects become more prevalent. If you do the spread out injections like that. Hope that helps buddy
Jul 30, 2019
You might care to read this article out of Harvard or research some other literature out there regarding studies for Low T replacement. Say what you want, but it is a heavily economically driven therapy by big Pharma. I am not saying it won’t help you if you truly suffer from direct Low Testosterone levels. It will. What I am saying is there are two sides to every coin, pros and cons. As many have stated above, if you are going to do it, find a physician that truly understands its use, how to appropriately dose and monitor levels and how to look for side effects. Testosterone injects are horribly difficult to find tune for the right level. That’s why many have switched to pellet insertions. However, those have mixed reviews as well. Unfortunately because of big Pharma and the economics involved, many run of the mill doctors offer this to make money yet they have little training or experience regarding this therapy. I personally will never take testosterone supplements, just my personal decision. A good Keto diet, exercise and healthy living will treat many symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of low T. I don’t have anything against anyone that does use it, just be careful and cognizant of the risks associated with it and listen to your body.



Apr 5, 2017
Culbertson, Montana
I started TRT 5 weeks ago my t count was 525 and estrogen count was 87. I take 150 mg in intramuscular shot every Wednesday and 1/2 pill of estrogen blocker. I did my blood work last week and my T count is now 1236 and my estrogen level is 16.7 and I feel great.


Apr 5, 2017
Culbertson, Montana
I've felt like that the last 20 years, I'm 54 now. But my testosterone isn't even close to low. At least you found a cure for your malaise.
It’s more than T being low mine was pretty good at 525 for a 49 year old man but my estrogen was out of wack so by getting it under control made a world of difference for me.
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
I started TRT 5 weeks ago my t count was 525 and estrogen count was 87. I take 150 mg in intramuscular shot every Wednesday and 1/2 pill of estrogen blocker. I did my blood work last week and my T count is now 1236 and my estrogen level is 16.7 and I feel great.

Geez! Isn't 525 an excellent level, nowhere near low? And 1236 is through the roof. Maybe your doc is calculating it differently?


Apr 5, 2017
Culbertson, Montana
Geez! Isn't 525 an excellent level, nowhere near low? And 1236 is through the roof. Maybe your doc is calculating it differently?
525 is good for 49 years but they want to keep it between 900 to 1100. My free t was only 5.2 because my estrogen level was 87 which should be between 14-50. Now after 4 weeks of shots and blockers my estrogen is 16.7 which great. So starting this week they are giving me 130mg shots to bring T count down to a better level. Last week was my base line blood work so it takes a few blood works to fine tune it.


May 3, 2017
Wow, so much miss information from guys that think they know whats what. If you are on T or looking to go on T please listen to your doctor and do your research thats not forum based. Don't believe most stuff in this post.

Low T doesn't always effect sex drive and normally can't be upped by diet and exercise. Low T can effect bone strength, muscle loss and a number of other bodily function that can be detrimental if not treated.

I shoot up every two weeks and my T numbers are spot on half way through the 2 week cycle. I don't have highs or lows during the cycle, I've spaced the shot and went a month between shots with no differences so the guys spouting off about needing to shoot up weekly might need to but it might not be best for everyone.
Sep 15, 2018
Wow, so much miss information from guys that think they know whats what. If you are on T or looking to go on T please listen to your doctor and do your research thats not forum based. Don't believe most stuff in this post.

Low T doesn't always effect sex drive and normally can't be upped by diet and exercise. Low T can effect bone strength, muscle loss and a number of other bodily function that can be detrimental if not treated.

I shoot up every two weeks and my T numbers are spot on half way through the 2 week cycle. I don't have highs or lows during the cycle, I've spaced the shot and went a month between shots with no differences so the guys spouting off about needing to shoot up weekly might need to but it might not be best for everyone.
I would agree with what you said about not getting medical advice from an Internet forum. But just so you know exercising and lifting weights has been shown to increase levels of testosterone. There is quite a few studies and respected medical articles that back this up.