Looking to help a young wildlife biologist with interest in animal rehab


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Feb 26, 2012
Behind you
This guy is a couple years out of college with a degree in wildlife biology and he has worked at some animal rehab places. He’s looking for employment and is pretty open to relocation. He worked for a few months at Yellowstone helping with lake trout culling. He has an interest in birds of prey, but is flexible to the area of work/study also.

What are some suggestions you guys might have for helping him find a decent career?
I would add he is not anti-hunting by any stretch; in case that matters to anyone.
Is he familiar with the Texas A&M job board? https://jobs.rwfm.tamu.edu/search/ That’s a good place to start.

Several state agencies have a place on their jobs page to sign up for email notifications. I still get a few. My former position from about 10 years ago in ND just closed and would’ve been perfect for him. It was a tech job working out of the wildlife health lab. Those types of jobs let you do it all and are the types of job I would suggest to gain a pile of experience and shore up some great references. I got to do necropsies, chemical immobilization, deer trapping/collar, Mtn lion trapping/collaring, sheep trap/transports, waterfowl banding, trapping Ed teaching, paddlefish tagging, predator management, fisheries pop surveys, brood counts, etc all at the same job. That job was sweet - but eventually I had to pay my bills……