L.L. bean waterfowl sweater w/goretex.


Jun 20, 2020
Anybody have any experience with this sweater. Looking to use as an outer layer. Stickley using for bow hunting whitetail. I do not care about weight and hearing clothes is a pet peave of mine. Currently uses merino wool base layers and a wool sweater from good will. Keeps me warm till it’s really windy. Hopefully that the ll bean sweater is quiet enough. Also open to other options. I currently have a Sitka stratus already size up to layer but is too tight in the arms and forearms. So looking at other options than “Bowhunting design” clothes.

I have that sweater. It's windstopper membrane so it can make some noise....but it's not bad. I found mine like new at a 2nd hand store for a few bucks and it's a favorite piece of gear.