Dec 4, 2019 #1 Gsquared Lil-Rokslider Rating - 100% 12 0 0 Joined Sep 26, 2017 Messages 211 Too many packs. Barely used. Smoke free, no stains, very clean. Venmo or PayPal F/F. Amounts include fees and shipping in lower 48. Woodsman. RG. $185. OBO Timberline DT2. Foliage. $135. OBO. SOLD Cargo Panel. Foliage. $90. OBO Let me know if you need any other pics. Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
Too many packs. Barely used. Smoke free, no stains, very clean. Venmo or PayPal F/F. Amounts include fees and shipping in lower 48. Woodsman. RG. $185. OBO Timberline DT2. Foliage. $135. OBO. SOLD Cargo Panel. Foliage. $90. OBO Let me know if you need any other pics.
Dec 4, 2019 #3 G Goodtimekiller WKR Rating - 100% 26 0 0 Joined Jun 29, 2017 Messages 1,065 Pm sent Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk