Kifaru Manimal Initial review

Sep 28, 2018
Picked up the Manimal as I only had a Ma Duece and my hunt trip this weekend seems to be shaping up to be hunting close to the truck. I'm still getting it hooked up. I'm probably going to be switch the buckle system because the Ma Duece is set for the male buckles directly attached to the bag and female buckle attached to the frame.

Not 100% sure if it meets my needs or not. I may trade it for a Stryker with Sherman, but I'll do a few sandbag rucks and whitetail hunts(possibly bring it on my elk hunt).. Also I think Kifaru must have sent out a "script" for talking about this bag because EVERY youtube review has something to the effect of "this small pouch comes off so you can wear it for your final approach". Wut.....??!! The small detachable bag seems like a fairly minimalist bag. Has 2 internal sleeves. They seemed sized to hold a ~16oz disposable bottle of water. Could be a nice bag if you're doing a short run to a creek for water, contain your game bags, knife, wallet, snacks, etc. Especially if you hunt close to your base camp and post kill you hike back to camp to get your frame for hauling.

I'm doing my first sandbag ruck today with a yellow 70# tube.
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Sep 28, 2018
Final review . I've put gear in it, rucked with it. used the meat shelf(not with meat). The bag has lots of space for day hunt gear and a 3L water bladder. The small pouch has 2 small internal pockets that are perfect for 16oz water bottles. However I'm not a fan of this bag soley for the reason that the small bag not being integrated. I'll never take it off so the straps that attach the bag are just in my way. the extra straps make the bag very busy despite being very simple in design. I feel like the meat shelf was added because "all kifaru bags have a meat shelf" or they were trying to make it more stryker like .

The Manimal is up for sale/trade in the FS section
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