Keep or sell guns?


Nov 5, 2021
I’ve inherited a few guns over the last few years. There are a couple
I’ve sold. But, when I open my
Gun cabinet there are many guns I don’t use and probably won’t. I often ask myself why I keep them around. I was raised to “never sell a gun.”

A browning a 5 my grandfather had the receiver drill and tapped for a scope mount - the original screws are MIA. A Remington 740 wood master 3006, a few others along those lines.

What do you guys do? Sell the excess? Keep guns no matter what?


Dec 22, 2019
i too have gone through this internal debate. my decision came down to utility and legacy. if legacy, keep it. otherwise - develop the best tool set you can and wear them out. my two cents: we spend too much time agonizing over gear and too little time using them and creating memories far more vauable.


Nov 5, 2021
I’ve inherited a few guns over the last few years. There are a couple
I’ve sold. But, when I open my
Gun cabinet there are many guns I don’t use and probably won’t. I often ask myself why I keep them around. I was raised to “never sell a gun.”

A browning a 5 my grandfather had the receiver drill and tapped for a scope mount - the original screws are MIA. A Remington 740 wood master 3006, a few others along those lines.

What do you guys do? Sell the excess? Keep guns no matter what?
I keep a couple that have sentimental value but the rest get sold if I’m not using them. I use the money to buy other guns that I will use.
I’ve inherited a few guns over the last few years. There are a couple
I’ve sold. But, when I open my
Gun cabinet there are many guns I don’t use and probably won’t. I often ask myself why I keep them around. I was raised to “never sell a gun.”

A browning a 5 my grandfather had the receiver drill and tapped for a scope mount - the original screws are MIA. A Remington 740 wood master 3006, a few others along those lines.

What do you guys do? Sell the excess? Keep guns no matter what?
I keep a couple that have sentimental value. Other than that, if they are not being used I sell them and buy something I can use.
Jul 27, 2021
I been hearing that crap my entire life. And yet I have more firearms now then ever. Apparently they aren’t doing to good of a job taking them away.

Again I am not keeping a bunch of stuff I don’t need and don’t use only out of fear that I won’t be able to have it. That’s pretty irrational and quite frankly where does it stop? How many guns that your not planning on using is enough to hoard?
Not yet, but soon very soon .
Jan 5, 2023
I have always been in the camp to not sell guns, but recently I have a few that just don't get used and I took the opportunity to turn two safe queens into a different rifle that perfectly suits my needs. There is no wrong answer, keep sentimental value and utility in mind and be open to the deals that fall in your lap.


Jun 21, 2022
Yea I am 46 years old and been hearing soon my whole life.
That BS of taking guns away started when I was young concerning the “Saturday night special“ type revolvers we still have them.
just selling fear as it works.
I’m closer to 64 now.


Feb 3, 2023
If you cant think of a single reason to keep it, sell it.

There really is no reason to keep something without a purpose. The reasons could be small but there should be something. Kind of becomes hoarding after a certain point.


Sep 16, 2016
St. Louis
I've given a couple to my nephews. I haven't sold any yet but have several I haven't and probably won't use. I'd rather pass them on to younger family members that will hunt them than sell them. My daughter and Sil aren't interested.
Same here. I have no sons but two daughters. Older daughter and the SIL aren't interested nor is younger daughter. I have 12 nephews and 1 niece. Four of the nephews are into hunting and guns, at least to some extent. I'm doing some advanced estate planning and the other day was working on some trust/will items; decided to give a firearm to each of the 4 nephews. Got a good feeling about that!