Is there a lightweight 20 gauge with a rifled barrel?

Feb 15, 2020
So there's a couple of places near me that I can hunt, but it's shotgun only. 12 gauge with rifled slugs has always been the standard for that, but the weight and limited range make it less appealing, so I was hoping to have something to shoot 20 gauge accutips, but also be lightweight.

I almost picked up a savage 220 in the past, but that felt like a tank, even before my newly found enjoyment for ultralight guns. Any options I should be looking at?
M2 Benelli 20 gauge would likely be the best you could get from a weight perspective, but there is a lot of upside to the Savage 220, which is likely the best production 20 gauge slug gun available regarding accuracy.
I had the same issue years ago and ended up with a 12 guage Thompson Center TCR 87, which was discontinued long ago. If you can live with a single shot, you may find one of them or a TC Encore in 20 guage that works for you.
I have the savage 20 ga. And the H&R slug hunter. Both work really well. (And then they changed the regulations to allow rifles during the firearms season, so both those have sat unused for quite some time now!). As mentioned above, the H&R single shot version used a heavier contour barrel, 12 ga as I recall.

Another thing to consider is many states allow the use of a “lessor” weapon, such as a muzzleloader during the shotgun season. Might be something to consider, as you might (or might not!) get more use out of it.
H&R/NEF Had a few versions of the non-bull barreled 20 and 12 gauge rifled shotguns. There was the tracker and tracker II series which came with rifle sights and either rifled or IC bore, and later there was the ultralight slug barrel in either 12 or 20 gauge. Both of these were in the 5-6 lb range iirc.
just my opinion---the heavy was the better gun, by about 40yards
The heavy barrel ultra slug hunter was capable of accuracy that most people didn't believe at the time. I used to keep a folder with targets that were sub 1" 3 shot 20 gauge groups with lightfield hybrid exp ammo (7/8 oz sabot). Quite a few deer fell to that little single shot out to 175 yards.
I have the savage 20 ga. And the H&R slug hunter. Both work really well. (And then they changed the regulations to allow rifles during the firearms season, so both those have sat unused for quite some time now!). As mentioned above, the H&R single shot version used a heavier contour barrel, 12 ga as I recall.

Another thing to consider is many states allow the use of a “lessor” weapon, such as a muzzleloader during the shotgun season. Might be something to consider, as you might (or might not!) get more use out of it.
I actually have a decent muzzleloader setup with blackhorn loads ready to rock but the town said they're not allowed because they think they're more risk due to distance they shoot or something. Pretty dumb IMO and just made me want to get a rifled 20 gauge that would shoot just as well and as far.
I actually have a decent muzzleloader setup with blackhorn loads ready to rock but the town said they're not allowed because they think they're more risk due to distance they shoot or something. Pretty dumb IMO and just made me want to get a rifled 20 gauge that would shoot just as well and as far.
Also, I should add: I shot the 12 ga and 20 ga for a few years. The 20 was much more enjoyable and accurate. Just as deadly too! (This reminds me. I have a 12 ga cantilevered pump slug setup that needs to go.)
I actually have a decent muzzleloader setup with blackhorn loads ready to rock but the town said they're not allowed because they think they're more risk due to distance they shoot or something. Pretty dumb IMO and just made me want to get a rifled 20 gauge that would shoot just as well and as far.
You hunting in Southampton County Virginia?
several friends have came over to sight in their slug guns. a couple 220S in 20 ga., a 12 ga savage, a mossberg 12ga and a browing 12.
compared to my 12 ga ultra slugger the savages were second fiddle. the browning and mossy were ok and different ammo could have elevated them.

i hunted with a 20 for 30years then went to a 12 ultra slugger and never looked back --until i went straight wall. the two 20 ga guns have not been out for many years. the front stuffer still gets a lot of use.