If you apply in Colorado for more than 1 species this is a good read to save money.


Aug 25, 2014
Orem Ut
This year in Colorado it is $40 per animal point fee. If you put in for Deer, Elk, Antelope, Big Horn Sheep and Moose, that amounts to $200. That adds up pretty quickly. However, Colorado has provision that waives these fees for anyone who owned a hunting license in Colorado the previous year. If you drew or bought a tag in 2014, then you will be exempt to these fees in 2015. However, if you did not own a tag in 2014, you still have chance to eliminate the $40 per animal fee. You can buy a 2014 small game or fishing license before March 31, 2015 for $56 and this will count as owning a permit during the previous year to eliminate the $40 per animal fee. This is an easy way to save money. Use the money saved to apply for more states or more animals.

For application reminders and preference point lookup; checkout*PointHunter on Facebook*or PointHunter in the app store on your phone. To get your monthly GotMyTag Pro Tip, follow us on Facebook or bookmark our website. The best thing to do is just have the PointHunter app.
Never miss the HUNT of a lifetime.

2 notes.
It must be a 2014 license.
None of this apply’s if you are under 18. *Youth do not have to pay the $40 fee and they still get a point if they did not draw.
So if you buy a $56 2014 fishing license and the $10 habitat stamp, are those the only "fees" besides paying for the tags and getting refunded? Am I missing anything? Any other app fees?

Sorry, I know it's a little off topic
You still have to pay the total tag fee even if only applying for points. But you get that back.
There is some kind of application fee next year when you apply. I am not sure what it is but it used to be $3.25 for each application. You still lose that money.

I think the questions were right on topic. I hope I answered all the questions.
Glad it helped at least someone.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to go buy a one day hunting license? Bout 10 bucks

There isn't a big game one day tag as far as small game and fishing they do not apply if not an annual license, so if you buy a one day small game or fishing license for no reason but this you can add that ontop of your overall cost and still lose out on the $40 per tag applied.
Whats the difference if they still take $40 on the back end,,, your still out the same $40 as if you applied ,,,,or I just dont get it....
Whats the difference if they still take $40 on the back end,,, your still out the same $40 as if you applied ,,,,or I just dont get it....

Its a $40 fee per point that you apply for so $40 for elk, $40 for deer, $40 for moose....

Much cheaper to buy a license this year if you plan to apply for multiple species.
From the 2014 Regulations....
Regardless, you're gonna get a fishing license!!! ;)
Pack your rod

*nonResIDenTs geT a bonus annual fIshIng lICense — All nonresidents who purchase a big-game license in Colorado will now receive a combination big-game/fishing license. The annual fishing license is good for as many visits as you like through March 2015. Plan a special trip just to enjoy our world-class fishing, or bring your fishing pole when you come to big-game hunt. If your quarry isn’t cooperating, maybe the fish will. See page 2.
neW! PRefeRenCe PoInT fee Changes

» hoW IT WoRks. If you do not hold a 2013 annual* or big-game license, or do not receive a license through the draw, you will be charged $40 PeR sPeCIes (for elk, deer, pronghorn and bear) for which you get a preference point. This fee applies to residents and nonresidents. However, residents getting deer or pronghorn preference points will be charged only $30 for each of those. For example, if a nonresident who isn’t exempt from the fee receives a point for all four species, they will be charged $160. A resident in that scenario would be charged $140.
» hoW To avoID IT. If you don’t want to pay the fee, you have until March 31, 2014, to purchase a 2013 annual fishing, annual small game, annual resident combination fishing and small game, or resident senior fishing license.
» hoW WIll I be ChaRgeD foR IT? If you are charged the preference-point fee,
it will be removed from your 2014 big-game application refund(s). For example, if you’re a resident and apply for a deer license or preference point and don’t draw (and you are not exempt from the fee) you will receive a $1 refund.
I just wish the fishing license went for a year from purchase of your tag, the way it is I still have to buy one every June even though I'll get the annual with my tag later. I usually fish late spring or early summer not in the fall while I'm hunting, so really I could careless about this add on.