Idaho Hunt Plan for September


Mar 12, 2012
Damascus, OR
Hi guys, looking for some feedback on an “irregular” archery hunt this September. I apologize for the length but here goes.. So that you know what’s “regular” for me, I normally hunt wide open great basin ranges in Oregon or Nevada for velvet mulies and have also hunted the Maroon Bells in Colorado. I typically back pack hunt, or push my truck up onto a ridge and dry camp then wander and glass along ridge lines. The last 2 years I’ve been deep in the Ruby Crest in Nevada.

This year is panning out differently from combination of factors. My son’s currently serves as an officer on ballistic missile sub and is gone all summer. When he gets back he’s getting married in northern Utah. My wife has long complained that I use up the end of the summer for hunting and really wants to see Yellowstone and thereabouts. Also I never seem to have any time left off work to elk hunt seriously.

Sooo…I have driven by the mountains that you can see from I84 in southern Idaho many times and found them intriguing (Black Pines and such) A little research gave me an idea which ones were OTC for archery and about how crowded they may be. Most don’t have much in the way of certifiable wilderness and I cannot tell just how intrusive ATVs are. I was drawn to them because they seem very similar to SE Oregon, although way closer civilization and pavement. Also looked at the Deep Cr Mtns, unit 73A on BLM which has about zero info on the net.

As this year developed I got Idaho in my mind, bought a license and went spring bear hunting over near Hells Canyon. Had a good time and saw a ton of whitetail. Researching for that hunt and getting familiar with Idaho regulations I got interested in maybe elk hunting too. Unit 19A or others that are partially wilderness seem intriguing. At this point I plan to own an Elk tag a deer tag and already have a bear tag. I’ll also get my archery permit. If I still have a tag un-punched later in the year I can get a Muzzy permit.

My plan is to leave the Portland area on the Friday before Labor Day and go hunt. I’ll be pulling our 20 foot camp trailer so that I have it for the trip to Yellowstone. On the following Friday I pick my wife up at the SLC airport and we drive up near Bear Lake for the wedding on the 12th then on to Jackson and Yellowstone, etc. and home a few days later after picking up the meat somewhere along the way.

So, knowing that I’m a spot n stalk, backpacking mulie hunter who wouldn’t mind hunting elk in the early rut with a bow and has to park a trailer someplace, either camping in it, or just parking it out of the way: any ideas? Should I really just choose between elk and deer? Any input is appreciated. BTW I’ve got zero trophy aspirations on this trip. A bunch of ragged 3x3 bucks or a 4pt bull are fine. If I strike out I live just 6 hours from northern Idaho and can get back for fall whitetail or late elk hunts too.