Idaho bear down!


Mar 30, 2016
Well it's been a fast and heck of a year! Have a baby coming any day now due date is the 26th so I was really hard pressed even getting out. I threw up 2 baits on 4/15. On one bait I had 2 bears and the other had a large sow and Cubs. I went and re baited yesterday and elected to hunt my first stand had a large boar pretty much nocturnal but had a few pictures of him right around 8pm.

At around 6 I had a small bear come in and eat some popcorn. He stayed about an hour then moved on. Right at 810 I stood up to get down as in the timber it's pretty dark. I see black movement behind the barrel. I get the binos on him and it's him!! I hit record on the camera and grab my bow. The bear takes his sweet time coming in and lays down behind the barrel. I'm freaking out cause it's getting dark fast! He finally stands up and comes into view standing broad side. I anchor and settle my pin in the middle of the middle and let the string drop. I hear a solid smack and a growl. I give him about 15 and get out of the stand. Arrow passed strait through and I had one hell of a blood trail! It went for about 75 yards until I see him piled up!!! He's in a nasty nasty canyon I opened him up to cool off and will pack him off the mountain first thing in the morning. Sorry for the tease but I'll get some better pics tomorrow!

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Congrats! I'm headin into Idaho backcountry tomorrow morning! Hope I can hVe similar results!

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Awesome job. Congratulations. I can't wait to see morenpics. Make me excited for when I finally make it to Idaho myself.
Got him off the mtn this morning 5 hours and a broken 4 wheeler belt

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Not to bad I got lucky he rolled down hill extremely easy and the bank was steep so I just kinda rolled him off and on to the atv... Now getting him over the dead fall and up the ravines was another story lol

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Right on! Congratulations!! What arrows and broadheads were you shooting?

Thanks everyone! I'm shooting victory Vap's and 100grain G5 Montec... I've shot multiple bears with slick tricks, rages (Montana) and the montecs. This has been my best blood trail yet the shot had allot to do with it. Quartering away that I clipped liver dead center lung and got a bit of heart. That and the angle had the exit hole very low and he just pumped the blood out
Good job! Im heading out either tomorrow afternoon or early Friday to give it a go myself, but it'll just be glassing and spot and stalk, don't have any baits going. What unit did that bad boy come out of? Feel free to PM me if you want, just curious.