Please comment if you have experience with both of these bags, looking at the 0 deg long variety. Really on a budget and not sure the OV is worth the extra $$, about $100 difference between these bags. I understand the OV is probably a little warmer but I think both will be warm enough for my application. Seem to be within a couple ounces of each other, neither of which is very light. Really wondering about quality and compressibility.
Will be used in Colorado, early November in a tipi. Hopefully with a stove but that is pending fire restrictions. I've hunted this area in a horse camp / wall tent with an 8 lb monstrosity of a sleeping bag - that thing won't even fit in my pack. hence I'm in the market for something different. Have had overnight lows 10-15 F.
Should I be considering the OV 15 degree instead of the 0?
Will be used in Colorado, early November in a tipi. Hopefully with a stove but that is pending fire restrictions. I've hunted this area in a horse camp / wall tent with an 8 lb monstrosity of a sleeping bag - that thing won't even fit in my pack. hence I'm in the market for something different. Have had overnight lows 10-15 F.
Should I be considering the OV 15 degree instead of the 0?