Best hunt research site.....your own computer. All that info that those guys give you when you sign up is public information from the different game departments website. There is nothing special about it. Its a great idea let the agencies do the work then you compile the info, find some "hidden gem" type units and sell it to people. I've done a lot of this on my own its very easy and fun.
I just subscribed to gohunt, I agree with RAHC. The gohunt is still fairly new, so hopefully comes out with more features and such. I feel like most of the tips are very generic. Also, most of writing is obviously form people out of the area just doing research online as I have found a lot of errors for Oregon. At $150.00, a huge disappointment for me. I also forgot to use the coupon code for rokslide, and was told "oh well". Probably not all that bad if you are researching a new state to hunt in?
If a person has an idea of where they want to hunt, what they want to hunt, and how they want to hunt (weapon) that's half the battle. You can plug all that into every agencies website and it will give you a whole slew of answers. Folks have to remember that a game departments website is developed by an IT professional with heavy input from a Wildlife Biologist. These game departments are heavily vested in wildlife management
they are not a company looking to capture a market.