How close would you camp??


Sep 22, 2021
Curiosity is getting the best of me after my recent scouting trip. I found what I consider a shooter for day one considering he is still in the same basin. This is a sept backpack high country hunt, solo. How close is too close to camp to where he beds/lives? I was glassing him from approximately 1000 yds away, and he was probably 800 feet higher in elevation from where I was sitting. I know not to camp in the basin he lives in, but a lot of these basins kind of all blend together. There was also 6 does living in the same basin as him at a slightly lower elevation. Where I was camped when I found him was a good location I think, but was a terrible night from not being very flat for the tent. The little clump of trees I glassed him from was pretty flat and would make a nice camp spot but Im afraid it is too close to his home. Thoughts??

There is also another shooter across the drainage about 1.5 miles away that I watched from the same location, not concerned with being too close to him but would be nice to glass from camp to limit movement.
I have camped bout 500 yards away from bucks but this was at a lake where I think they are used to seeing people. They definitely would be looking at me and keeping tabs on me. I made first stalks count - don't know if they would completely blow out of area if stalk wasn't successful. Good luck