Good people

Jun 9, 2019
Just wanted to give a shout out to jd65. My nephew is getting into bow hunting and his dad doesn’t hunt. I’m doing my best to get him the stuff he needs. I posted an wanted add for a range finder and that my nephew had $100 of birthday money he would be willing to spend. Jd65 generously offered to ship me one free of charge. I just wanted to give him serious props and let everyone know there’s still good people out there! My nephew is going to be jacked! Thanks again jd!
Jun 9, 2019
Anything else he needs?

I gave him my bow, arrows, and a case, he bought himself a stand mid summer, he got a release for his birthday. Im thinking as far as things he needs to get out and hunt he should be good. The range finder was kind of the last piece of the puzzle. As he will find out one never runs out of things they “need” for hunting, as I tell my wife I “need” things for hunting all the time. Thanks for the offers, I’m sure there will be little things that come up but I will keep trying to help him out as much as I can.