I'm unfortunately no help in the video department as all of the videos I've watched were more entertainment than educational. However, books that I can recommend are thoroughly educational. Any book that Ray Eye has written, can't remember the names, Bad Birds by Jim Spencer, an awesome book. There are several instructional calling DVDs and a few tactical DVDs, I can only recommend getting a free catalog to Midwest Turkey Supply, as I cant recall the DVDs names either. Good luck in your pursuits and I'm certain you will thoroughly enjoy yourself!
Not sure what state you are in but I got in to spring Turkey hunting after going to a seminar put on by Idaho Fish and Game, Wildavore workshop.
Not sure if they still offer them. But it was put on by a couple of the game wardens. If in Idaho you may want to check it out, highly recommend.
They partnered with National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) to do it. You may want to search out your local group and see if you can get connected with some like minded folks that would be willing to show you the ropes.
NWTF has a lot of good resources on their website too and much of it is free.