hope im in the 10% again this year but realistically im not an elk hunting guru, im usually not in the right place or the right time, and the elk gonna do what the elk wanna do.
All that said, its elk season! im stoked and prepared for anything the elk woods throw at me, ill be in that 100% tomorrow evening after work, just a bit more to slog through.
It's normal to get to the truck, drive 5 to 6 hours towards home, get to a hotel for the night and have someone give you a sideways glance because you smell like budussy.
Leave this afternoon!
The past two weeks have been busy getting work stuff in order to be out for 2 weeks....
That is what our rig looks like at the beginning of the return trip, a few hours in and we are back to the first image as the planning starts for the next year.
Three hours left to drive and will be in the woods this afternoon. So far we’ve looked like the top picture, except when one of us has been practicing our calls for too long in the car.
168 hours and counting down until I leave for my LE Elk Hunt. I am severely ADD with work stuff right. How in the world does one concentrate on the mundane work stuff when you are heading out to hunt elk on a tag you used 20 LE Elk points on. Oh man this is going to be the longest week ever. But there are things that still need to get done and I have a work trip between now and then that requires me to be on the road for a couple of days. Lots of good that'll do right? !!!