Sold a few guns and have this stuff left over. Prices are shipped to the lower 48 (I will not ship the magazines to ban states).
Paypal or Venmo (No mention of anything gun related).
Lot #1
-Glock 26 Gen 4- 10 round magazines (2 total)
-GCODE Glock 26/27 IWB holster (RH carry)
All three excellent condition.
$60 shipped. *SOLD*
Lot #2
-Glock 19 Gen 4- 15 round magazines (8 total)
All in excellent condition.
$100 shipped. *SOLD*
Lot #3
Left to right (All Glock 19/23 Gen 3 or 4 holsters)
-JC Custom pack holster (Black- RH) Fits Kifaru packs or similar very well. Like new condition.
-GCODE OSH w/ RTI wheel (Black- RH) Fits Kifaru or similar very well also. Like new condition.
-GCODE Incog IWB (Black- RH) Similar to the Eclipse holster they have now. Used condition.
-Hill People Gear / Dale Fricke trigger guard or minimalist holster (OD Green). Like new condition. Will fit most double stack Glocks I believe.
$100 shipped *SOLD*

Paypal or Venmo (No mention of anything gun related).
Lot #1
-Glock 26 Gen 4- 10 round magazines (2 total)
-GCODE Glock 26/27 IWB holster (RH carry)
All three excellent condition.
$60 shipped. *SOLD*
Lot #2
-Glock 19 Gen 4- 15 round magazines (8 total)
All in excellent condition.
$100 shipped. *SOLD*
Lot #3
Left to right (All Glock 19/23 Gen 3 or 4 holsters)
-JC Custom pack holster (Black- RH) Fits Kifaru packs or similar very well. Like new condition.
-GCODE OSH w/ RTI wheel (Black- RH) Fits Kifaru or similar very well also. Like new condition.
-GCODE Incog IWB (Black- RH) Similar to the Eclipse holster they have now. Used condition.
-Hill People Gear / Dale Fricke trigger guard or minimalist holster (OD Green). Like new condition. Will fit most double stack Glocks I believe.
$100 shipped *SOLD*

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