Just cleaned out all my outdoor gear and found a bunch of stuff that's not being used. All prices are tyd PayPal or venmo.
Arcteryx atom AR jacket LG- great piece of gear I've just got too many puffies and prefer how a medium fits. Not a single tear, stain, pull or run in the fabric. 130tyd
Sage green air force polartec fleece. Large long. Very warm piece of gear. Small burn on left sleeve pictured. Sold
Prime Pcxl #7 cams- great shape, only on the bow for a month and then switched out, no draw stops. 35 tyd
Petzl ascension- mechanical ascender. Functions perfectly smalls dings and cosmetic wear. Sold
Jet boil sumo- used 5 or 6 times, bottom cover broke so it is not included. Everything functions perfectly.- sold
Luminox sentry watch- functions perfectly just needs a new battery, tritium still glows perfectly well. Sold
Boldr explorer GMT- light scuffs to the face of the watch but still functions fine. Sold
Also have a garmin etrex H, barely used but functions, no batteries, cord or manual- 25 tyd
Badlands bino C approach fx- used one season, fits 10×42s perfectly, probably wont fit anything larger. Sold
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Arcteryx atom AR jacket LG- great piece of gear I've just got too many puffies and prefer how a medium fits. Not a single tear, stain, pull or run in the fabric. 130tyd
Sage green air force polartec fleece. Large long. Very warm piece of gear. Small burn on left sleeve pictured. Sold
Prime Pcxl #7 cams- great shape, only on the bow for a month and then switched out, no draw stops. 35 tyd
Petzl ascension- mechanical ascender. Functions perfectly smalls dings and cosmetic wear. Sold
Jet boil sumo- used 5 or 6 times, bottom cover broke so it is not included. Everything functions perfectly.- sold
Luminox sentry watch- functions perfectly just needs a new battery, tritium still glows perfectly well. Sold
Boldr explorer GMT- light scuffs to the face of the watch but still functions fine. Sold
Also have a garmin etrex H, barely used but functions, no batteries, cord or manual- 25 tyd
Badlands bino C approach fx- used one season, fits 10×42s perfectly, probably wont fit anything larger. Sold
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
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