Garmin Alpha Question


Oct 7, 2023
I'm currently running multiple dogs (up to 4) on TT collars with an older Alpha 100, and have had this set up for years. Very happy with it currently - Garmin seemed to have some production issues a few years back where collars would crap out after 6-12 months, and they'd replace them under warranty but I have had stable collars for the last few years, and no other issues so I have been operating under "if it's not broke..." principles. HOWEVER - the Alpha 100 doesn't have a feature that I would like to have, wondering if anybody can tell me if any of the newer Garmin handsets (200/300/550) have this feature. I want to be able to send the same command to all dogs wearing training capable collars at once (All get tone, or vibrate, or stim). I know with the 100 and I believe the 200/300 I can assign 3 seperate dogs to each of the 3 separate buttons, and press all the 3 buttons individually. To send a command to the 4th, I'd need to unlock the screen and then swipe over to the next training screen, and press another button to command the 4th dog. Not a huge deal, I've been doing it for years, but I'd like something faster to use as an emergency recall command going to all dogs at once. Can anybody tell if any of the newer Garmin handsets allow for this type of command or if there are any other brands that do?
The pro 550 plus does not. Mine is only 1 year old. You can run 3 dogs at a time, but you have to toggle switch between the 3 to give commands to each dog one at a time.

That eliminates one of them for you.