GA Precision rifles.....

Never had one but gap rifles are very well known in the tactical circles. They are accurate and proud of it. Looking at it again it's a pretty competitive price. You can place an order with confidence.
I have two GAP Non-typicals, a 6.5x47 Lapua and a 7WSM. The 6.5 is on a McMillan Edge stock with a Remington 700 action. The 7WSM is on a B&C stock with the Templar action. The 7wsm weighs more. They both shoot like a GAP.
And all the good things you've read about GAP rifles are true.
been looking at this for a few years now. whats your thought on the templar action? and does the wsm cycle as proper as they say? was thinking 300wsm. been weiry on a short mag compared to a 300 win for these reasons. 6.5 saum looks interesting as well.
Templar action is made for GAP by Defiance Machine, very nice piece. Pinned lug, good extractor, 8x40 base screws.

Had my GAP 7WSM built on a Surgeon 591 short action, and it feeds like a champ. With that one pc. Surgeon bolt, I sometimes question if I even felt a round chamber, but it always does ;)
Run 162 & 168s, they are more efficient performers from a short action. 180s shoot great seated deep in the case, just can't get em' going fast enough to beat the lighter boolits...

6.5SAUM fills an interesting niche. It is a true short action cartridge, whereas the WSM is kinda 'crammed' in one. SAUM maximizes available case capacity, as a long boolit seated @ magazine length doesn't infringe much . Great selection of projectiles, super ballistics, and moderate recoil...
I have 2 GAP rifles. A Non Typical in 308, and a Non Typical in 260. Without a doubt the most accurate rifles I have ever owned.
cool.... decided on 300 win... ordering a non typical with templer action, fluted barrel, muzzle brake, and prob a manners stock, they told me 4 months out if i order now.... thanx for the replys.
A good buddy of mine will only buy GAP rifles anymore but he also is good friends with all the guys there and shoots with George. So my guess is he is biased but they get great reviews.
I shoot a GAP in 300 Ultra Mag. It shoots much better than I can. Anyone who shoots it wants to buy it from me. My friends are shooting the GAP 6.5 saum. If it was lighter I would only use that rifle for everything. The accuracy and recoil is better than anything else I have shot