FNG from Iowa


Aug 7, 2022
FNG from Iowa. I grew up on a farm but never hunted as a kid. My brother in law is a pretty avid outdoorsman and has ever so slowly pulled my self and the other two brother in laws into ice fishing, turkey hunting, and white tail hunting. Although I havent been sucussful my one year of deer hunting. He moved from Iowa to Laramie Wyoming several years ago so obviously the brother in laws and I will be putting in a party application for reduced price cow elk tags for unit 7 in Wyoming for 2023. The other two in laws are on the fence about futurr hunts but I'm already 2 points deep on an antlered hunt in the future. I have ZERO gear for western hunting and the scope of my knowledge consists of bs-ing with my brother in law and watching meat eater. So here I am!
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.

Welcome.. with rifle/gun hunting opens you up for more clothing options in my opinion. One thing you'll want to research and probably need is a pack. Keep buying those PP for WY. :)
welcome to RS, fellow iowan who made a grand tour (DBQ-Decorah-DBQ-eagle butte SD-wyandotte OK-des moines (grimes)-Pella-DBQ).

Not sure what your location specifically is in iowa, but one thing to watch for is we can hunt rifle .350-.50 during shotgun (deer), and IF they hold a special anterless jan hunt, from .223-.50 caliber (in the top 2x3 NEIA counties)

where are you out of, can give some pointers to be western ready the best way possible in iowa
welcome to RS, fellow iowan who made a grand tour (DBQ-Decorah-DBQ-eagle butte SD-wyandotte OK-des moines (grimes)-Pella-DBQ).

Not sure what your location specifically is in iowa, but one thing to watch for is we can hunt rifle .350-.50 during shotgun (deer), and IF they hold a special anterless jan hunt, from .223-.50 caliber (in the top 2x3 NEIA counties)

where are you out of, can give some pointers to be western ready the best way possible in iowa
I grew up in north east Iowa not far from Decorah (Fayette county) but now I live in Pella. I have a 450BM AR for gun season that kicks like a mule and currently I hate it. There is a reason 350 legend has become so popular. I have one of the crappy generic AR-15 hard plastic butt stocks on it which I think Is a big part of the problem and I also think I might get a brake for it.

I have started hitting the stationary bike pretty hard mostly because I badly need to lose some weight. For general health not just for the hunt. Currently 6' 3" and 300+lbs My goal is to be 220 by hunt time next year. That is pretty trim for me and the lightest I've been as an adult. I plan to start integrating more muscle endurance type things after I get a few pounds off probably this spring.

Where are you from? Look forward to any advice.
I grew up in north east Iowa not far from Decorah (Fayette county) but now I live in Pella. I have a 450BM AR for gun season that kicks like a mule and currently I hate it. There is a reason 350 legend has become so popular. I have one of the crappy generic AR-15 hard plastic butt stocks on it which I think Is a big part of the problem and I also think I might get a brake for it.
hmm, i had a 450bm in ruger flavor, seemed much like a 20g, must be the stock geometry and materials? what are you running for mechanicals?
I have started hitting the stationary bike pretty hard mostly because I badly need to lose some weight. For general health not just for the hunt. Currently 6' 3" and 300+lbs My goal is to be 220 by hunt time next year. That is pretty trim for me and the lightest I've been as an adult. I plan to start integrating more muscle endurance type things after I get a few pounds off probably this spring.
you poor, poor, poor son of a dutchman...well, vanderploegs is still superior to the dutch joint, dont mock the dutch letter (ie dont go around asking how many letters are in the dutch alpahbet and why they only make one). I have had many a good exercise at the pella WMA south of town, good variety of terrain, and secret secret....theres a huge cropping of pines in the southeast corner of it, northeast has its good features to. maybe shoot a pm and i can send over the gaia map view of what im talking about
Where are you from? Look forward to any advice.
currently dubuque, hunt dbq, north of waukon, east-northeast waukon, pheasants, depends the reason and wants...may head back to dallas/warren/clarke/adair ish areas, havent dove deep yet on that plan this year.
looks like youre under 10, i think its RS magic number for pms, get your good posts up, ill shoot you some gaia screenshots of pella wma.

p.s., should preface, spent my time in calmar actually, but usually say decorah. fayette and volga are great fun
Creme filled bismarcks from Jaarsmas are diabetes in pastry form.

I have had many a good exercise at the pella WMA south of town,
I actually live 500 yards from dutch hollow. I usually sit just inside it's fenceline and shoot turkeys in my neighbors adjoining cornfield. Its a nice setup I just get up in the morning and throw my turkey lounger and shotgun over my shoulder and walk out my backdoor. My unsuccessful white tail hunt was in the same spot. I didn't know the range (rooking mistake) and I held over on a doe when I didn't need to.

hmm, i had a 450bm in ruger flavor, seemed much like a 20g, must be the stock geometry and materials? what are you running for mechanicals?
18" bear creek arsenal upper on a PSA lower and stock. Carbine buffer.


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