FNG from AL


May 2, 2024
East Alabama
I forgot to post and introduce so doing so now. Grew up in central MS hunting some mixes of public and private land. Settled in Randolph County AL after college but have lived in and briefly hunted in some public land in Wisconsin. Love squirrel hunting with or without dogs, avid white-tail hunter, and generally interested in all things outdoors. Camping, hiking, turkey hunting, fishing, etc and a bit of a gun nerd. Finally decided to start putting in for western hunts, accumulating points, and looking for new game and experiences in the outdoors.

Have gotten tons of information from here over the years but finally decided to make an account. If you are ever looking for someone to hunt Talladega National Forest with, give me a shout!
Hey brotha, FNG here from AL as well. Long time lurker and figured it was time. May have to take you up on hunting Talladega together sometime!
Welcome and please do! I plan to be all over the woods this season and will probably pull a few overnight camp stays as well. More than welcome to meet up with me.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new AL member.
