FNG (FNH too) from Southern California

Jan 25, 2024
Hey been lurking here a while now and got a whole lot out of all the good discussions on here and some of the more unhinged ones too haha and figure it's time for me to get in there and ruin it with my dumb questions.

From the East Coast but got dragged out west for my wife's job and family and figured I'd make the best of it by picking up hunting and get out on all this public land we most definitely don't have back east.

So this will be my first season, effin new hunter, grabbed a couple deer tags, struck out on everything else, and plan to do as much duck and quail hunting as I can do as well.

Pretty all in type of person when I take on a new interest so man was I surprised and happy to see just how much shit there is to know and figure out and learn (forever) with hunting. This forum definitely has helped feed my obsessive side so I guess I love and hate you all for the fact that now all I think about are ducks and mule deer, with a side of neurotically analyzing minor and ultimately meaningless differences in cartridge ballistics. But the damage is done there's no saving me now so just hope I can contribute back sometime soon in the future.