Hi Gentlemen,
Was really stoked to find this forum and come to read all the excellent content regularly, however I rarely post as I seem to muddle my way through by trial and error bearing what I have gathered here to guide me.
But I just picked up a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan variant made by Talo called the Toklat in .454 Casull and it is just far enough outside my comfort range I thought I would get feedback from you guys.
It's a beast, fairly heavy, but balances very well, and is not the hand numbing canon like experience to shoot as one might think, it is definitely a handful, and not super quick to reacquire a sight picture with, but for what it is I am really enjoying it, and plan to hump it around on back country trips.
So my question to those of you who have had experience with this guy is what is your experience with it, how has it preformed, durability, what loads you may have found that work better than others, any modifications such as sights or grip that worked for you, you know the drill. ;-)
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Was really stoked to find this forum and come to read all the excellent content regularly, however I rarely post as I seem to muddle my way through by trial and error bearing what I have gathered here to guide me.
But I just picked up a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan variant made by Talo called the Toklat in .454 Casull and it is just far enough outside my comfort range I thought I would get feedback from you guys.
It's a beast, fairly heavy, but balances very well, and is not the hand numbing canon like experience to shoot as one might think, it is definitely a handful, and not super quick to reacquire a sight picture with, but for what it is I am really enjoying it, and plan to hump it around on back country trips.
So my question to those of you who have had experience with this guy is what is your experience with it, how has it preformed, durability, what loads you may have found that work better than others, any modifications such as sights or grip that worked for you, you know the drill. ;-)
Thanks in advance for your feedback!