Elk hunting south slope yellowstone


Aug 25, 2015
I am a newer elk hunter. I hunted the general bull elk any legal weapon hunt last year with some friends i made while working in salt lake. i unfortunately didn't even see an elk even after 10 days of hunting. i know the weather was a bit different last year because it was warm most of the time except for the one night when a little snow and a cold front came through and the full moon seemed to be keeping the elk moving more at night than during the day. i feel like my question is a dumb one but i will ask anyways. i am planning to make the return trip back to utah this year to hunt general rifle again. i have a bull and a cow tag and would really like to be able to bring some meat home. so here s the question i've seen posted on here repeatedly but with little direction. can anyone narrow down an area on the south slope that generally holds elk until this time of year? i will be making camp somewhere around the pole creek area and i am no stranger to spending time off the grid and far off the beaten path. but theres always getting the animal out after harvest which generally keeps one closer to civilization.